Rutger Page 8
“We are going to corner you, hogtie you, and shove this wherever we want to.”
“Her ear?” Vargr asked padding closer to their victim, and Cyn was still backing up, carefully, so as not to trip. “Or her ass?”
“Depends on how much fuss she makes, but with so many dicks in here to choose from, I say let’s go wild.” He grinned and grabbed a few more plastic dongs off the shelves.
“Oooooh yeah.”
Cyn turned and sprinted for the back of the store.
“Rules?” he asked Vargr.
“Whoever catches her gets to choose his hole.”
“You’re on.”
They both chased after her. He took the left, Vargr kept to the right, and they didn’t rush too much. After all, the store was finite in space. Though, come to think of it there would be a back door and a loading bay at the very back. He sprinted, floor thumping under his feet, and some of the shelves went crashing aside. Though Vargr shot him a curious glance, he too sped up.
They’d lost sight of her, and the bang of a door told him she’d likely exited. If she tried losing them by circling around to the front, he’d teach her better manners.
Rutger jogged to a stop yards away from the door that had a red STAFF ONLY sign. “If she’s gone outside, I say we fuck her in public, tied to a damn swing.”
“Hmmm. Considering this is make-up sex, maybe I should be less extreme.”
He waited, but Rutger decided to merely shrug.
“Fuck no. You’re right. We have to catch her first.”
Before they opened that door, Rutger hissed softly then held up a finger and pointed to either side. Just a hunch, but he knew her pretty well and could imagine Cyn pretending to leave and hiding. And sneering at them. The shelves to left and right were high and angled so that the space behind them was concealed. Which to try? If he was wrong, they’d could still go outside.
Some said bondmates were detectable by their pheromones.
Testing, testing…
He drew in a long breath and thought, and something hinted he should go left. Beckoning to Vargr, he pointed out where he was going before circling further to the left around that shelf, while Vargr approached the shelf end nearest the door. Impossible to be utterly silent when you were as heavy as he was, and he was hyper-aware of the grating sounds as his boots pressed onto dust.
One step, another. Don’t brush against anything.
If Cyn hid there, they had her cornered.
The shelf rocked, creaked, and he looked up to see her scrambling over the shelf above. Her leap took her to the floor in a sprawl, and he could see her recovering even as he spun. He took a stride, dived, and slid.
He caught her ankle in one hand just as she made to run. Cyn landed belly-down, full-length with an oomph as the air burst from her lungs, her hands bracing her inches off the floor. She turned to squint at him, lips pressed together.
Already she scrambled to rise. “Damn yo—”
He yanked her flat again and leaped forward on hands and knees to climb up her and pin her under his body and hold her down. Legs to either side of her, with her arms pulled to the middle of her back, he sat on her. No amount of her kicking, throwing herself about, or cursing helped her to push him off.
“Be good.” He leaned over. “We’re going to fuck you three ways until the end of time or as close to that as schedules allow.” He sniggered. “Why do I feel superior to our little bondmate? Thought you’d fuck off with us prowling around outside like idiots?” He ran his fingers down her backbone to the corset’s edge. Her butt was lower down, and Vargr had arrived to plant his boot on her there.
“Course.” She twisted to look back at him and sent him a sexy if defiant smile. “It was a fun idea.”
“Mm-hmm.” The black collar Vargr had never removed made a great place to fix his hand. “You think. Are you going to play nice while we strip you? I’d hate to cut these new clothes.”
“Do not cut them!” Her forehead wrinkled for a second. “Will I play nice? How about you see what happens?”
He tsked at her.
“Are you mad, Rutger? She won’t. I’ll get some rope. Tons of good shibari rope in here.”
Yeah, he had threatened to hogtie her. He sank his hand into the back of her hair and made her look at him for a while. Her sly smile waned until she only blinked up at him. “Sure. You do that, man. I’ll get started.”
While Vargr rummaged among the displays at the front of the store he stayed on top of her and wandered his hands over her, teasing and grasping. He used her hair to hold up her head while he reached under to caress her breasts, to squeeze her nipples, or to shift and hold her neck at the front, so he could whisper his evil, dirty threats.
He felt her come alive under him, striving to squirm and wriggle, maybe even grind herself on the floor.
“You turned on? Do you like me just fucking around with you, doing what I want? We both know you do. The more you deny it, the hotter it gets in your head?” He bit her ear as he talked, bit her nape, reached back with one hand to probe between her legs while he wrapped his other hand over her mouth and nose. She had her thighs crammed close together, but she gasped and gave in and opened herself to him when he persisted down there. Already her wetness had leaked through the tights at the crotch.
He rubbed up and down her slit, pressing, sliding the cloth, almost working it into her cunt.
Vargr wasn’t back yet, but he had his pants belt and he unbuckled it and pulled it from the loops, unzipped his fly while he was at it to let loose his own private monster. His cock had been ready to fuck her since the chase began.
“We’re going to have a whole lot fun with you. I might not stick all of my cock in your ass yet, but I have that knobbly dildo to get you used to something close.”
“Fuck you,” she whispered, but he could see the dare in her eyes.
“Absolutely, only the fucking will be of you. In every single hole.”
He smiled a wide, cruel smile. Then he wormed her hands out from under him and wrapped them in his belt, knotting it until the leather warped and twisted, molding firmly around her wrists.
Vargr arrived with enough coils of red rope to bind a rhinoceros or similar, dumped it on the floor, then he helped Rutger turn her over and sit on her legs while she swore at them.
After he popped all those tempting bows and slipped off the corset, she was still cursing him, so he dragged over some rope and tied it across her mouth and around her head at the back, three times, while she stared defiantly at him. He did the same to her eyes, around and around, only softly.
Now, at last, she was quiet. Vargr stripped off her tights and felt between her legs.
“She is fuckin’ wet.”
“I know.” He chuckled.
While Vargr began tying her legs together, she shook her head and tried to kick him, mumbling a no through the rope pressing apart her lips. At least twice her foot connected, and he was sure the beaster would have some mighty bruises. Subdued, tied up, with his belt replaced by rope, she still, somehow, managed to poke her tongue out at them through her impromptu gag.
Fuck, even that was hot. He wiped his mouth and grinned at her, though his wry amusement was swiftly overwhelmed by lust. That red rope was so pretty wrapped over her skin.
With a groan, Vargr palmed his hard-on then took off his pants and dropped them to the side. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He heaved in a breath while rubbing his ribs where she’d thumped her foot into him. “Is this strugglefucking? Think it must be. Why did I deprive myself?”
“’Cause you’re an asshole?”
They both laughed and he rose to his feet to stand beside Vargr and look down at her. “I said I’d hogtie her. What say you?”
Cyn squeaked through the rope at them.
“Get her hands at the front so we can do every hole?”
“It shall be done.” He picked up the coil of rope.
By the time they were finished, after much wrestling with her
and redoing of knots, they had her wrists bound together at the front and her ankles connected there too. Doubled over, with her breasts squashed by the rope wrapped about her torso, Cyn looked ripe for fucking.
His cock was aching and so stiff he wondered if he’d come at the first thrust into her.
Vargr spun her, where she lay on her side on a mattress they’d hauled from the back room. He leaned over her. Propped on his arms, he spoke inches from her ear. “There you go, everything is where we want it. Exposed and fuckable.”
He swore he heard her softly moan.
Her labia were swollen and dark pink from arousal, and a trickle of her moisture ran down onto her butt as Rutger watched Vargr play there before sticking two slickened fingers in her pussy. She wormed about, gasping through the rope gag, whimpering as he pumped those fingers in and out.
“Your cunt is ours and your ass.” He found the lubed-up blue dildo and began squeezing it in there, slowly. He eyed Rutger. “Want? The more turned on she is…”
It was obvious what he meant. Turn her on so the dildo would go in easier. As if he’d say no. Though with him inside her too there’d not be a lot of room for anything in her rear hole.
“Oh yeah. You want a no?”
Vargr eyerolled. “Do it.”
Grinning, he advanced on his knees and aimed, probing for her entry, trying not to get in the other beaster’s way. He felt that beautiful soft give, heard her moan as he pushed his cock past her pussy lips. He kept his eyes on her—on how her mouth moved around the rope, on the curve of her body as she accepted him, her shudders and little noises. Blissed out by her submission he kept going, taking it fucking slow and withdrawing a little before he stuck himself in deeper, watching Vargr do her asshole with the dildo.
The tip of it had popped into her. But the next part bore the knobbly spikes that came closer to his own cock diameter. He’d chosen it for that reason.
This was intense. His cock slid further. Cyn moaned and writhed, moving to show she wanted more.
“Fuck.” He gasped. “You doing that and this too… inside her. She’s crushing me good.”
Vargr laughed. “Once she lets it go in deeper, I’m shifting that rope and fucking her mouth.”
“You do that, man. I want to watch.” He grinned, tamping down his arousal so he’d last. If he didn’t come before that he was going to enjoy this to the limit. Get himself in her cunt to the hilt. He slammed in harder, grunted, pulled out. Then he wrapped his large hand over her sweet hip and got heavier into the rhythm—he went in whenever Vargr pulled out. Out when the dildo went in.
Until a hard thrust bumped Vargr’s hand, and he heard her squeak and stiffen.
Vargr snorted.
“I think it’s gone in as far as I want it to.”
Rutger checked and yes, knobbly bit was sunken into her asshole, had disappeared with only a hint of the rubbery spikes showing. His cock could feel the difference—with so little room for it, the pressure was building him heaven-high, damn fast. Vargr rose and moved to her head.
He stuck his palm over the dildo when it looked like she’d push it out and then kept on doing what he was compelled to. Stopping him now would take a second Armageddon.
Hand wrapped over her thigh, he thrust and withdrew, speared in, ground himself in, fucking her relentlessly. Ramming cock and come into her all at once was quivering on the horizon. Keep going, keep going.
He paused to say through his tightening throat, “Next time, I’m fucking you in here, girl.” Fascinated by how mister blue-and-knobbly projected from her ass, he wiggled the dildo then both felt and saw her muscles squash onto his cock.
“Dammit, girl,” he rasped then fucked her hard.
Cyn only whimpered, bubbling through her own drool on the rope as Vargr grabbed either side of her head and shuffled closer on his knees, his cock wobbling but probably harder than any man would choose to endure for long.
He’d brought it on himself though, and who cared when this was the result of that denial?
Sweat was sheening Cyn’s leg and making his grip on her slippery, but her bound face showed an absorbed and enraptured expression. Her breath caught with every thrust. Her body strained to take more of him, to take more of what they did to her. This was beautiful.
Chapter 13
She could feel Vargr’s hands on her head and jaw, then his thumbs shifting aside the rope, pushing loops below her chin and also up, to roll beneath her nose. She couldn’t see due to the rope over her eyes but a second later he was pressing his thumbs into the corners of her mouth.
“Open,” he croaked, and she could hear his desperation. The man needed her mouth.
She almost smiled and her lips quivered despite his firm hold.
Pretending to deny him, clamping her jaw, that had its attraction, but there were vague rules to this she’d made up on the fly. Struggle-fucking Vargr had called it. She loved resisting yet being forced to give in and be dominated anyway, but she had to take care not to hurt them too much, or give them cause to accidentally harm her.
Besides, giving in now pulled at her.
With so much happening to her body that enthralled her, she was on the brink, on the edge, teetering. One push and all her rebellion would collapse.
Then Rutger pulled his cock out, to the very tip, and she was torn. Neither of them fucking her and that made her yearn to whine and wriggle and encourage them.
Rutger grunted, swore. “Want me to make her? There’s a steel medical gag back there, I saw it earlier. Do you want that, Cyn?” The last drawled words were threaded with wicked menace.
Fuck. No. And yes. Oh the threat of that unraveled her. She opened her mouth.
“We’re good.” He shoved in. “Aren’t we?”
She couldn’t answer, for Vargr had gone in deep then stayed there, at the very back of her mouth, almost choking off her breath. She spluttered then shuddered, felt wetness leak from her around where Rutger had inserted himself, and her sound jolted into a bubbling moan, as he shoved that properly into her too.
They began to fuck her in unison. Being taken by both beasters at both ends, sent her spinning into a mind-world where she was theirs and nothing else.
Rocked back and forth, sandwiched between them and bound and helpless, she was rammed into, skin slapping against skin. She was half-choked and struggling to breathe around what occupied her mouth and yet… and yet she tried to arch at the ramping up of tension throughout her body. It made her ankle bindings jerk on her wrists.
Their guttural noises as these males penetrated her and shunted in and out, the reactions forced from her body, this was the perfect denouement to them holding her down and securing her in their rope.
The pain from Rutger’s fingers buried in her flesh mingled with the pleasure and the uncomfortable stretching of her ass. His thrusts sped up, going that small distance deeper inside her, and she felt the swell and the sliding almost-pain at the flare of his cock-head spikes within. Then he stiffened and slammed in one last time.
His body also smacked into the dildo and drove it in deeper, and she screeched around Vargr’s cock, her fingers clawing. Her body was hurled unexpectedly into the furnace of a climax as Rutger jerked and came.
She found herself slumped, panting, and still blinded by rope but her mouth free.
Rutger withdrew from her and she heard him rise and walk away.
An exceptionally large dildo replaced him in a startling instant. Cyn squealed at the insult.
Vargr had fucked her with it, without hesitation or mercy. She squirmed. The cool plastic had been obviously different from hard male flesh from the first moment it plugged her.
Moaning pitifully, she shook her head, as if that would free her from this unwelcome intruder and let her deny Vargr.
Her pussy, however, traitorous thing, delighted in something big and new occupying it, and it clamped in on the ungiving material. So large it hurt. Echoes of her orgasm wracked her pussy with intensely aching spasms
that stopped her breath.
“No. No,” she whispered hoarsely, feeling the original dildo sliding from her asshole. She knew what he planned. Not there.
“You mean yes,” Vargr told her, as his cock prodded her. He searched for her opening. “I’m using you here. You can take me. I’ve seen the size of what was in you.”
“Fuck!” She squeaked as he almost entered her. Then swore again repeatedly.
She needed to deny them, always. It made everything so much hotter. Except for once she truly was a little unsure, a little fearful. What if he was wrong, and she couldn’t take his size?
Her whimpers and writhing grew more frantic.
Then he swelled past that circle of muscle, and with no remorse he began to fuck her ass. His hands tangled in the rope that wound about her chest and arms. With her face half-buried in the mattress, she tensed, dreading the lance of pain.
He surely wasn’t as large as Rutger, but she whined anyway, as he forced his way in, then slowly she became aware of the strange mix of pleasure and pain that something foreign and wrong in her ass magicked up.
There was the heat of another body before her, Rutger of course. The mattress sank as he put his weight on it. He brushed her tied hands and feet.
The something buzzed. It touched her clit and pressed in. A vibrator.
Impossible pleasure erupted.
It vied with what Vargr did.
“Oh, oh. God!” She’d arched so strongly her spine hurt because it couldn’t go that way with her hogtied, and her wrists hurt also, but she couldn’t stop herself from reacting.
A dildo, a cock in her, tied up and this vibe on her, it was all too much, too overwhelming.
There was nothing she could do except be.
Pleasure swelled rapidly, mixing with the sensation of the cock now thoroughly invading her ass, and she cried out as he began truly thrusting. Grunting with each new drive of cock, he coerced her into a spasmodic full-on body rapture. The climax shook through her, rendering her animalistic and gasping. By the time it left her, she was wasted, her muscles spent. She heard and felt Vargr take the last few strokes inside her and climax, but could not find the strength to do anything except lie still and try to breathe.