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Wicked Weapon (Dark Hearts Book 2) Page 17

  On display again. Naked. There was nothing I could do. I slumped and waited with the table’s edge pressing under my jaw. I couldn’t keep my head up forever. After this, whatever happened, as long as I wasn’t sliced into ribbons, I vowed to get away.

  Hope means life.

  If mine ended here, with my blood pooling on the greenhouse floor under my knees...

  I gulped. I mustn’t think that.

  Einar pulled a white, wrought-iron chair over, scraping the back legs on the pavers and making a screech. Somewhere nearby, Kaage lurked. I felt him. By swiveling my eyeballs, I thought I found him, a dark unmoving figure standing another aisle over.

  I curled my toes. Waiting was not fun when fear leered and scampered though your mind.

  This chess game? I could wreck this game by wriggling, could topple the pieces off my back, since Einar had deigned not to flatten me with his power.

  I had a perverse need to do just that.

  Einar’s feet arrived before me.

  “You are to have that end of her,” I heard him announce, in that precise yet soft Scandinavian voice. “Kaage will have this end. However, before we begin help me set up the pieces.

  The rattle told me the box with the pieces was being moved.

  “Tha –”

  “Stop,” Einar snapped at Grimm. “You know you’re not to talk unless I say. We can alternate placing these, hmmm?”

  To wriggle or not to wriggle. I was feeling defiant when Einar rested one hand on my shoulder, as if to steady me.

  “I will go first, Grimm, to show you how to do this. Black queen.” He slapped the piece onto my skin.

  I squeaked, confused. It took me a second to register the pain. The chess piece had something sharp on its base.

  Another second and a small fire throbbed outward. Had he stabbed me?

  “In case you’re wondering, dear.” Einar held a black pawn in front of my nose, rotating it so I could see the twin spikes gleaming and projecting from the base by a full, freaking, half an inch. “These are safe, as long as we don’t hit bone such as your ribs, your spine. So be still and good. Say the piece’s name before you place it, Grimm.”

  The pause was frightening. A whole chess set? When they moved them...

  “White queen.”

  The stab into my back had me trying to thrust myself off the table.

  Einar chuckled. “And that’s only two! This is such fun. Let’s keep going.”

  He straightened and I bit my lip to stop myself squeaking. Black king, white. Black bishop, white bishop.

  I was whimpering by the sixth, gasping too. Only small, I kept telling myself. They weren’t. I’d seen acupuncture needles and these were twice as thick, and they were stabbing them in.

  Maybe Grimm thought fast was kinder.

  Sweat dripped off my brow to run down to my mouth, across the bars and the circle of steel in my mouth, then to drip to the floor, along with my saliva. I couldn’t stop the drool that gathered from falling.

  When the pieces were all placed, bar one, Grimm’s last pawn, I was shuddering constantly, imagining all the metal piercing my upper and lower back, and all the blood.

  “Wait.” Einar’s word was stark, and seemed to ring in the air. “I forgot to say. You can relieve her of some of the pain, Grimm. If you can. Speak, once.”

  I heard Grimm heave out a few nasal breaths. “Okay. If you wanted to sell her, isn’t doing this damaging the merchandise?”

  What a time to ask, I thought, feeling woozy. A bit late. They’re stomped in me already. The chess pieces. But then I remembered...they hadn’t even begun the game.

  “A little. Not much. But she’s yours, Mister Grimm, remember? Now, what are you going to do?”

  He stroked his hand under my chin and pulled my head up with my hair. Then he inserted his finger into my open mouth and rested it inside while smiling. I tried to swallow but barely managed. My eyes watered. “She looks pale, in pain. What are you going to do, Grimm?”


  Grimm was behind me and at my other end as Einar termed it. I guessed what was coming. He worked several fingers into my pussy, one at a time. The surge of pleasure rivalled the pain, mingled, and I widened my mouth, or tried to but the steel held me. As my eyes rolled back, I sighed my relief.

  “Good. Now Kaage will come over and start the game. If you don’t win in forty moves, he will pin her tongue to her lip with a chess piece. Fifty moves? I’d say eyes but I really would rather not. Win fast, Grimm.”

  Words just words, surely?

  Alarmed, I watched his feet move away then Kaage’s feet arrive. He sat in the chair and adjusted it so it was close to me. His knees and massive thighs were a few inches away. I was in the shadow of a mountain. I squirmed, worried.

  “Open up, little bitch. Wait.” Kaage chuckled from deep in his chest. “You are open.”

  Then he unzipped and took out his cock, took a good fist-hold of my hair, then shifted forward on the chair, his thighs disappearing from view beneath the table as he did so. He inserted his cock into my fastened-open mouth, slowly sliding it deeper until I retched, when he stopped.

  “Nice. She has a nice wet mouth, your woman.”

  Grimm said nothing but I swore his anger smothered the air.

  I could breathe through my nose, luckily.

  “Begin the game, Grimm. Wait. First you must put that monstrous cock of yours into her too. Fuck her a little. It will make it nicer for her. We all want nice, don’t we?”

  For such a silent and distant man, Kaage was suddenly up close and personal. That cultured British accent of his, his hugely muscled body, and his quietness combined to scare me as much as Einar did. Maybe more.

  Another metal chair was dragged past – the guard had it and was heading for Grimm.

  I heard him sit and I shivered until the moment I felt Grimm’s cock probe at my lower lips and

  Such a moment, being taken by Grimm, his big hand on my skin, opening me for him, it carried me inward. I groaned a garbled god past Kaage’s cock and felt myself sink, stone-like into the mesmer fog.

  Sex. Grimm had that part mastered. Sex, oh yes. He fucked me a few times and I strained to open my legs in spite of the leather straps.

  “Excellent. Begin.”

  “Pawn to e4.” A chess piece was yanked from my flesh by Grimm and plunged into my lower back.

  Kaage’s reply was fast. “Pawn to e5.”

  As the spikes from that pawn speared me, Grimm thrust again. I jerked, caught in the middle, confused by the shimmy of heat between my legs. Kaage’s cock twitched in my mouth and he jammed himself to the back of my throat then slid deeper.

  Now I couldn’t breathe.

  “When you make your move, I let her breathe.”

  Chapter 27


  Time pressure. I raised a brow at Kaage’s announcement. No chess clocks to measure how long I took to move, just Kaage’s cock in her mouth, and Zorie striving to breathe. Already I could hear the sounds of her getting frantic. If I took too long, she’d suffocate.

  I clasped my hands to center my thoughts, my muscles taut, the veins standing up as my blood pressure no doubt soared through the roof.


  Showing they were getting to me would be stupid.

  I ignored her as much as possible, concentrated on the board. I should use simple moves. One of the known chess openings.

  I hadn’t played for years. The room seemed to be heating up as if they had hot air being ventilated into this space. Maybe they did, though I couldn’t detect the sounds of that happening. And Zorie was choking on cock.

  Fuck these two.

  I hovered my hand over a central pawn then a bishop, sure that if I lost, they’d do worse to her.

  A blind man might miss the nuances, not me. They’d never had Zorie do this before – thoroughly gagged and being trained outside the big room. When I’d walked up, I had seen she was more alert than usual in th
ese scenes. They’d never finalized the whole, she will be yours idea. Selling her to someone else, instead, had been a constant threat.

  The holes left in her back from this would heal, but even in a week they’d be visible.

  They hadn’t swabbed her down with alcohol or any disinfectant. They didn’t care about infection?

  Chills, that gave me chills and now the greenhouse atmosphere was making me shiver. Zorie must be feeling it too.

  They were lining us up for something. Knowing what Zorie and I had been aiming to do, this gave me bad, bad feelings.

  But I had no choice. I contemplated the gold-and-silver, decorated expanse of her bare back, refused to see the dribbles of blood. The chess pieces stuck up like strange growths. I had to win, and fast, or she’d be a bloody pincushion.

  The threat to pin her eyes, I wasn’t sure if he meant that. Then again, I’d never known Einar to threaten something he wouldn’t carry out.

  I plucked the white bishop from her and advanced it, slid it into her skin. “Bishop to c4.”

  She flinched, the muscles on her back bunching. All the pieces tacked onto her, our human chessboard, wobbled. None fell. The spikes went deep.

  Fuck these men.

  Swearing in my head did bugger-all, except to keep my rage simmering.

  Again, Kaage responded quickly. “Pawn to d6.”

  Zorie whined but her cunt fastened onto me when I gave her more cock. I slipped my free hand between her inner thigh and where my cock pushed into her and played absentmindedly with her clit.

  Blinking, I raised my hand to wipe away the sweat that gathered in my eyebrows, and the chain between my hands slid across her butt. I wondered if I dared to try a classic trap. The name of it escaped me but I remembered the moves.

  “Need reminding?” Again, he fucked her mouth, thrusting forward and stopping. Zorie’s thighs twitched under me.

  “Shhh.” I smoothed my left thumb across her ass then went back to her clit, massaging her until she gasped, bubbling and coughing, while subtly humping her pussy into the table. I had to think, to reassure her, had to fucking win.

  Her moaning and attempts to push back onto me were as distracting as the sounds of her swallowing air around Kaage’s dick. I flicked my gaze up then back to the chess game. I should be incensed at him for doing that. Messing around with emotions now, might kill us both. I needed to focus...not think of maiming him with fire and knife, or with ants skitched onto him where his dick had been but instead there’d be a gaping hole because I’d cut it off.

  No. Not that. Absolutely not. Think. Was this next move correct?

  The orgasm building in her body surged from her to me in a lustful tide then back again. Our senses meshed and detangled. When her walls squeezed on me, and her little asshole shrank, I nearly groaned along with her. Her ass muscles hardened. She’d come soon. Already. Damn. Cute little slut. Funny if this wasn’t so tragic.

  My balls drew up tight. This was such a two-edged sword. The mesmer thing made me exceptionally sensitive to her desires.

  “Knight to f3,” I managed to say, grimacing from the ache of stopping myself from coming.

  I whipped the knight from her skin then anchored it into her back then I pinched her clit. After one prolonged whine, she exploded into climax. Gritting my teeth, I rode that orgasm of hers while she choked and groaned, with her body twisting under me and milking at my cock. My dick loved it but I held myself back. Kaage only grinned. I doubted he’d pulled out, not until she slumped, then I watched him inch away from her mouth.

  Her chest heaved as she sucked in air.

  “That was well done for an inferior collector.”

  I frowned. What did he mean? I put both my hands on Zorie’s ass as she came down, panting, her entrance clenching then relaxing.

  The room swayed and I shuffled my feet wider to balance so I wouldn’t fall off the chair, then I shook my head. I wasn’t to speak, except for the game moves, but I wondered if they’d drugged me. With food? I’d had none this morning. Accusing them wouldn’t fix things.

  Play on.

  The promise of something dire happening stayed in the atmosphere, plucking at me to do this right, to save us both, At least I might stave off whatever they had planned for a day longer. Maybe?

  The more chess moves I made, the funnier Kaage seemed to find it. He didn’t laugh, just sat there smiling while fucking Zorie’s mouth and suffocating her every second move.

  I cursed him in my head and gave her more pleasure, when I could. One more orgasm shook her before I lost much of the mesmer sense. It waned, leaking away. All I could do was edge her close and hold her there.

  I rechecked the positions on the board. I hoped triumph didn’t shine from my eyes. I’d done it. One more move after this and I had him. “Bishop takes pawn on f7.”

  I removed my bishop from her back, then pulled out his pawn and popped my piece into her skin at the same spot. The bishop wobbled a little in the smear of blood. Zorie trembled. She’d been moaning off and on as we went rapidly through the moves. A climax wasn’t going happen but at least she was in the midst of pleasure. I nudged my jeans-clad thighs into the underside of hers where they splayed out due to the bondage, trying to reassure her with my presence.

  I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, praying Kaage wouldn’t see my intention.

  “King to e7.”

  Thank god.

  “Knight to d5.” I placed the knight as gently as I could then sat back and smiled. “Checkmate.” I slid my erection from her but kept my palm on her ass where it curved into her back. She must be on fire from the puncture wounds, but she would heal. “Can I clean her –”

  “Shush.” Kaage studied the board drawn on her skin, and the pieces, while he played with her hair and stroked her. I was sure his gaze lingered on the blood and once or twice he moved in and out of her mouth, thrusting quietly. The bastard was taunting me.

  “Yes. It is checkmate. Well done. Now, fuck her and come while I do the same.”

  I think I etched the air with the disgust in my eyes. For some reason this scene bothered me more than the other times. Because I was sharing her, partly. Because I knew they were toying with us. They knew something. This was purely for their enjoyment.

  But I stood and did as he said to. I fucked her, going at her roughly because I wanted this over soon, jarring her into the table. I could get a hard-on from seeing her like this, displayed, pussy open for me, no matter what the circumstances, it seemed. Mesmers had horny teenager syndrome, permanently.

  I came and I shut my eyes, imagining we were alone, and simply lovers. It didn’t work but I tried. Even less so when she stiffened, pushed into orgasm by Kaage’s powers entering her as his cock hammered into her mouth. The man had been grunting loudly and with obvious satisfaction.

  The marks on her hips slowly faded when I let go. Kaage was pulling out and I heard her splutter and the sound of the cum dripping from her mouth and splattering onto the pavers.

  That he had made her come? It angered me to an obnoxious level. Not that he’d fucked her mouth, so much, as that he’d given her that pleasure. Which was so damn twisted.

  He patted her head while smiling at me still. “Such a good whore.”

  Though my hands were fists, I didn’t step over and punch him.

  “And such a pity,” Einar drawled as he approached. “What was that chess opening? The Légal Trap?”

  “Yes.” Kaage finished wiping his dick on her hair and stepped back. “An odd choice, but he held up well.”

  They’d known what I was doing. Why? Why do this?

  To fuck with my head.

  “Yes. Though I was looking forward to pinning her eyelids.” The smile on Einar’s face was bright enough to outshine the sun.

  And we were screwed. That sank into me with surety. I just knew it.

  “I have something to show you now, Grimm.” He flicked a gesture at the guard to his left. “You. Tidy her up and put her in he
r room. Lock it.”

  “Can I say goodbye with a kiss?”

  Einar’s brows rose. “With a kiss? As long as you make her lips bleed.”

  At that last sentence, halfway through stepping around the table, I faltered.

  “Don’t bother whispering sweet nothings to her.” Kaage nodded at Zorie where her head hung down. “We have her in hand again.”

  I knew what that meant. They had her mind. Nevertheless, I kneeled and carefully removed the gag. I wiped away the mess. Mostly it was his cum but he wasn’t deterring me. Then I kissed her with passion – the passion of a man sorely torn between staging a desperate rescue or walking away in the hope that she would survive longer if I chose that. I pressed the yellow daisy I’d found on the floor into her palm then closed her hand over it. Her hand was strapped to the table leg and they’d not see what I’d done.

  “Goodbye, Zorie,” I whispered, chancing them hearing me. “Stay strong.”

  A temporary goodbye. I would see her again and these men would be dead when I did.

  The blood showing on her lips when I rose was from my own mouth. I showed them her face then walked away before they could think to check. Both of them followed me, along with the guard who wasn’t staying with her. Two more men waited at the door leading out. I halted there.

  “Where are we going?” I threw back at them, not turning my head.

  “Somewhere nicer.” Einar, of course, the sadist, and his reply was so...calm.

  The temperature in the room turned to frost. My leg muscles trembled but not from fear. Sweat trickled down the back of my neck.

  That flu hadn’t gone away. What a time to catch an everyday disease.

  Chapter 28


  We were at the distant room, again. The one at the end of a long, barren corridor. Whatever I was about to be shown would not be good. We entered via the steel door. The PC screens were off. The long, glass window was black. Nothing in the room beyond this one was visible. Then Einar unlocked the adjoining door that led into the room where they filmed death. At the first creak of the hinges, I heard moaning.

  If a man could ever feel his blood drain to his toes, it was me, now.