Wicked Weapon (Dark Hearts Book 2) Read online

Page 15

  Didn’t work too well.

  But I did manage to free her. She gaped up at me, on her back, her legs sprawled on the quilt, skirt around her waist, panties askew and showing off wet pussy lips...

  “Damn,” I whispered.

  Our eyes met.

  “You! You...” Then she sprang off the bed, bouncing into the air nearly in her rush, and she headed for the door.

  I caught her upper arm, dragged her to the wall, protesting.

  Small dose needed. I upped the power and she slumped against the wall. Leaning in and pressing my thigh at the junction of her thighs gained me one long, drawn-out whimper.

  “Don’t,” she whispered.

  “You’re speaking. Speaking is good. Means higher brain function.”

  I needed bookmarks on my mesmer powers.

  “Fuck you.”

  I kissed her again, grinding my mouth on hers. When I pulled away she made a weird gargling sound and I couldn’t help chuckling.

  “Even that was sexy.”

  “Let me go,” she whispered, her eyes pleading.

  “Can’t. Won’t. If you weren’t trying to fuck my cock through our clothes, maybe I would.” I thought again. With Zorie pinned under me, those pretty tits were rising and falling, pushing on my chest. “Hmmm.” I pulled down the top of her dress then tugged down her bra so her breasts were exposed. “On second thoughts, no, I wouldn’t.”

  “This won’t fix what’s wrong. Don’t.” But she stared down at my hand, where it rested in a curve just below her nipple, and her tongue toyed with her lip. “Don’t.”

  “You don’t want me to tongue your nipple? Suck it in my mouth. Lick it. Bite it?” I sneaked a mesmer tendril into her again, stroking her, banking the fires of lust until they burned hot. “Hold them up for me. Now.”

  Cheating was necessary. I couldn’t let her go. Not yet.

  “Grimm. No.” Time dripped past. We stared at each other. When I leaned my forearm on the wall above her head, she flinched, twitching her gaze to the tattoo on my arm, with her focus sliding down my muscle like honey as she followed the ink.

  “Like what you see?”

  “God. Damn. This is... I’m not...” After another long, slow moment, she shut her eyes. Then her hands reached up to cup her breasts and she lifted them.


  She squeezed them higher.

  “Pretty. You nearly have them where I can suck them.” I kept my voice low as I stroked my finger under her areola in a semicircle, before treating the other one the same. “Ask me to do it.” I studied her, intrigued by the sultry opening of her eyes and by the struggles I sensed within. “Say you want me to touch you. I haven’t control of your speech. You can think and talk.”

  I cupped one breast, my hand over hers, pushing it even higher until she winced and wriggled. She didn’t ask me to let go. My erection pulsed against her belly.


  “Grimm.” Her mouth screwed up.

  “Ask.” I hovered my thumb over her nipple then brushed it across, as I squeezed my thigh onto her pussy in an animal rhythm, like I was fucking her there. “I’m going to be inside you soon.” I kissed her lips, bit her nose tip, tongued and kissed her again. Her moans were so addictive when my mouth was already covering hers. I could feel them in my throat.

  “Say it.”

  I could’ve swept a tsunami of mesmer lust over her, but I didn’t. I wanted her to see me as I was. Though this wasn’t the me from a year ago – I’d never have done this back then.

  A year ago, I’d have left her alone, watched, stayed back, because I’d think she’d been hurt enough by others. I’d leave her be and then, she’d be gone.

  I wasn’t going to lose her because I wasn’t brave enough to be bad. Sometimes you had to make a decision that might be wrong to the rest of the whole, wide, mother-fucking world, but right for you.

  “I’m being a bad man here. I know it. But you know what else? I’m doing it because I can’t bear to lose you.”


  “Mmm. A little.” I nudged her forehead with mine. “But I’ll do right by you too, because I need you heart and soul, not just your body. Zorie?”

  Her lip quivered. The yes was there in her mind, I could feel it. Stubborn little thing. Was it pride? Remorse at succumbing to the man who’d fucked her so many times already in front of the others? I couldn’t tell if my little speech had sunken in.

  “Say it.”

  My patience wore thin then snapped, and I growled and stepped back, to wrench both shoulders of her dress down, pick her up by her tits, then jam her against the wall.

  “Oh fuck.” She shuddered under my hands and words came tumbling out. “Yes. Please. Yes...yes.” Her words trailed off, as if she’d only just realized what she’d said.

  I smiled at the swallow punctuating her little blurted speech. I let her slide down the wall, took her dress down her body and let it fall. Then I picked her up again the same way, by her tits. Did it hurt? Maybe. I could sense both pain as well as lust flaring as soon as my hands hoisted her up.

  I took a second to rein myself in. Guess a little bit of meanness had leaked into me. So be it. I put my mouth to the side of her face and spoke my words, feeling her shiver as my lips whispered against her ear. “Fold up your legs and hold my shoulders so I can get inside you.”

  I couldn’t keep her pinned like this for long. I kissed beside her brow and heard her sigh.

  I saw her soul in her eyes, saw a yearning there.

  True love and peace and unicorns, minus the darkness and the fear? Something like that.

  I wanted it too.


  A word came to me.


  This sigh of hers was long, shuddering with unrequited lust, like, finally, finally, I’d given her what she needed.

  She raised her legs.

  Once she’d grabbed my shoulders, I shifted my arms between us and underneath her, with my one palm planted under her ass and the other on the wall. The manacle chain stretched taut beneath her butt.

  My cock found the center of her wetness unerringly. I pushed into her a full inch or so, grunting at the surge of pleasure. Her cunt was clenching onto me. Such slippery little walls, wanting me in there.

  “More, Zorie?” I bit her neck, knowing this, restraining myself, was hurting her as much as me.

  Her head flopped back, thumping onto the wall, and she groaned, her cunt clamping in as she did so. I let my cock slip out until it was barely in her.

  “Fuck,” she squeaked. “Yes. More. Please.” She hunched her lower body forward, her ass angling up and wriggling as she tried to take before it was given.

  “Good.” I slammed home into that hot tunnel, feeling her wetness slip over me, as her cunt engulfed me.

  Chapter 23



  That feeling, as he surged inward, pushing aside my flesh as well as my objections...

  When his cock came to a stop because it could go no farther, because his body was jammed against mine, I found my throat had closed in.


  I dare not breathe, for that might lessen how this felt.

  I concentrated on him, how he was taking me, utterly absorbed in what his cock did to me each time it entered and withdrew, drove in and pulled out.

  I was a hole for him to fuck but...

  I need you heart and soul, not just your body.

  I shouldn’t like this, or want this, but I did.

  He’d controlled me from the start. Then let me go, said the right words.

  Folded in half, trapped against the wall, I let Grimm fuck me. My back hurt where bumps in the plaster dug in. My breasts still ached from how he’d used them, fast and dirty, to pick me up and anchor me in place.

  I felt used and fucked, and for once, for the first time in forever, I felt truly wanted by the man with his cock in me.

  I can’t bear to let you go.

/>   His words had given me hope.

  My knees were painfully pressed high, almost to my face. Beyond them, Grimm worked at me. I didn’t care that he only fucked me, I loved the messiness he’d evoked. The stickiness, the rawness. The way he’d left my bra half-on, half-off.

  He shoved into me again, occupying every inch of my pussy, stretching me so wide. I grunted at the invasion, swept away from my thoughts.

  Both his hands clawed into my ass cheeks, pulling my entrance apart until I squeaked out a stop.

  He did.

  “Stop? You sure?” He pressed in and out while buried almost to the hilt, pumping at me, teasing in the worst way.

  “Oh no. No. That wasn’t... Didn’t mean it.” Panting, I sneaked open my eyes, to find him smirking at me. “Keep...going.”

  Then I wriggled as much as I could, to get more of him, and found I was stuck. I couldn’t budge my body with him leaning into me, heavy as rock, and inside me.

  At the awesome realization of how little say I had in this, my eyes rolled up. “God.”

  He chuckled and did one more hard and fast, slammed-in thrust. By then my legs were behind him, locked at the ankles.

  “Fuuuck,” I said breathlessly and I opened my eyes. My lashes were wet with tears, but not from pain.

  My feet were up high. I was shoved against a wall, with Grimm screwing me.

  How had I not known how good this would be? Just him, no twisting-my-mind mesmer effect, just Grimm.

  I hadn’t trusted him.

  Now, I guess I did.

  He’d let me choose, even if he had made me throb for him first. The fucker.

  I giggled then sighed. This was so damn crazy. Blindly, my hands managed to find the sides of his body, the edges of his ribs and his muscles. I touched him there and did more sighing, finding it hard to breathe crushed as I was.

  I didn’t care.

  The man worried about me. He wanted me enough to step over his own moral line. He wanted to protect me. I saw that.

  We were lovers at the least. And how could we not be friends.

  I realized he was watching me, waiting, with his cock pulsing, and he knew how reverently I was stroking his body.

  “So, you like being fucked against walls?” The distant blue of his eyes, the thoughts lurking there, deep. I needed to be honest.

  “I like you, Grimm. I do. And yes...” I sucked in a wickedly shaky breath. “I like you fucking me against walls.”

  Damn, that cock of his. This was being nailed, with a vengeance. There was something about a man being attached to you, his cock in you...it was an indefinable state of being, of accomplishment. You became a part of them, even more so when they’d halted with their cock halfway to your tonsils and stared at you.

  My breath lodged in my throat again. Man.

  “Figured it was so.” Then he slapped into me for five or ten strokes before letting me go. He let me set my feet on the floor before he dragged me over to the bed by one hand.

  “What? Why?” I protested the lack of cock as much as the unexpected change of venue.

  “This.” Then he sat and upended me, pushed me face first across his lap, and spanked me. It took three slaps on my butt before I wriggled to get up.

  “What? Why are you...”

  My flailing brought about an escalation of affairs I’d not foreseen. Grimm used my discarded dress about my wrists to tie them together at my back.

  Huffing and a little afraid, I went to speak again. His broad hand on my ass stopped me.

  Mesmer influence seeped into me. Calmness. Lust.

  I groaned and spread my legs.

  Grimm chuckled. “I have to spank you. If I need to calm you down, it’s your fault.”

  He whacked my ass once and the heat reverberated into me. My pussy didn’t mind.

  “That’s cheating.” I said that into the quilt, knowing how I was one second away from begging him to make me come. “Have to?”

  “Seems I like this. Never did before. Can’t think why.” Then I heard him sigh. “Spanking your ass, making it red. Especially since you’ve been being a bitch.”

  “I had reasons.”

  Still did.

  “I know that. We both have reasons.” He paused. “I’ve seen terrible things and you were making it hard for me to help you. Yeah, you deserve it.”

  “You can’t use mesmer powers on me.”

  A pause. Then he added, “I can and I will. Because I want to. Because this...”

  He laid a hand on me again, bluntly landing on my ass and rocking me, but his other hand he’d nestled over my pussy. His fingers played there, intermittently entering me. The power of each smack merged into what he made happen between my legs. Fingers sliding, invading, fucking in, fucking out, massaging around, over, squeezing my clit, then fucking me again. The penetration along with that mesmer arousal...I surfed on desire, rolled in it, bucking into his hands.


  And coming again. Muscles jerking, I coughed in breaths, while clenching at the air behind me with my hands.

  So sore I was burning.

  So needy I begged him.

  He laughed and asked me if I liked it, at the end of each climax, until I was sure I babbled in strange languages never heard by mankind.

  My wrists burned from twisting against the dress, my teeth felt the softness of quilt and bit down, at the same time as I ground onto him.

  At the last, he dragged my body to the bed’s edge and fucked me into insensibility yet again. The bed ended up three feet over and, I blearily realized, wedged into a bookcase.

  I turned my face to the side so I didn’t have to worry about breathing in quilt. Eyes closed, I throbbed my exhausted heartbeats against his chest where he’d drawn me. I was still bound but I didn’t care.

  “I thought I should say...”

  “Yes?” he kissed my hair and I smiled.

  “After we get out of this mess, I want you around so we, both of us, can figure who we are to each other.”

  Another of those long silences of his, before he murmured back, “Thank you.” He shifted and began to untie my wrists. “Hearing that was that was almost better than fucking you.”

  I smiled and decided not to smack him.

  After we get out of this mess. How I loved being optimistic.

  This wasn’t boyfriend-and-girlfriend stuff, more like it’s the end of the world so we may as well get it on with each other.

  Now I knew he really cared, I couldn’t deny I loved being in his arms.

  What would have happened if Reuben had never found me again and that first café date with Grimm had been perfect?

  Bad things, still.

  I’d forgotten one inconvenient fact: I was susceptible. A mesmer would’ve found me eventually, taken me, and made me his...unless I found that cave in Antarctica to hide in. Which led to another fact. If Mavros was still alive, what would he think of Grimm and I hooking up?

  It occurred to me to ask a question. “What were the terrible things you saw?”

  “Don’t ask again, Zorie. I can’t say.”

  Had he never heard the saying that your imagination is always worse than the truth?

  Chapter 24


  Leaving Grimm was difficult. The night was almost over, I was dead tired, and I’d come to the realization that he truly was a friend. The man had thrown his damn morality under a bus for me. He’d told me about Mavros – that he’d probably been stabbed.

  We might not have anyone out there looking for us. Mavros’s apartment was in a high-security building with an emphasis on privacy. If they’d killed him and disposed of his body, how long before anyone alerted the cops?

  We didn’t know. I was a minor, scandalous, news item for a small window of time and staying with a man who let almost no one into his circle. It might be a month before people looked for us. Our visas were valid for that long.

  I patted the wall of the corridor as I entered the last stretch that led to my
room. My eyes seemed full of grit. After we’d showered, Grimm had ordered me back to my room to sleep. I’d disagreed until I found out my memories of what we’d been made to do, these last few days, differed from his. Differed a lot. There’d been only one prolonged sexual scene between us, but I recalled several. I hadn’t been tied up in many different ways on different days, only once.

  I needed rest to stay sane.

  One more day and night and we’d try to leave. I wasn’t as certain as Grimm that he could disable three guards. If we failed, Cherie and Peta, and all the others would be left here. Grimm and I might not even be allowed to live.

  I could sense Cherie again and that gave me an idea. There was a way for her to leave, Peta too if I had time and the ability. If they escaped, would that distract our captors and make it easier for us?

  Tired though, so tired. My feet almost refused to move when I went to turn and follow that scent, that taste in the air. I stumbled, wary. The walls wavered and my vision swam. I’d get a few hours sleep at most, if I went back.

  If I found Cherie, what I needed to do might be beyond me, exhausted as I was.

  The voices echoing, from somewhere ahead, decided my mind for me. I crept backward.

  Upset, but afraid of discovery, I returned to my room.

  The coolness of the sheets reminded me, perversely, of Grimm’s body warmth.

  I think I was smiling when sleep mugged me.

  A banging noise shot me awake. I found myself gasping, sitting upright.

  The door was opening. A guard backed in.

  If they made me have sex today, I’d fall apart.

  For once, the prospect horrified me so much I shook. So much for my kick-ass persona. I entwined my fingers, trying to make them be still.

  But he only brought in a tray, hammered me with a hard-ass stare, and left.

  I slumped back onto the pillow. Thank god. If they let me eat here, it generally meant they would leave me alone all day.

  I guess they’d figured even sex slaves might wear out their vaginas. For a happy moment I pictured myself with Einar and Kaage in a workshop with their dicks wedged into clamps. I had an angle grinder in hand, spinning, screaming. Yesss.