Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 Page 14
I shifted sideways so there was room for him and had a grand view of the proceedings as the head of his phallus disappeared an inch inside and her cunt spasmed. Magic. I stared. Stage shows had nothing on this. The slow thrust in then the pistoning out and in again mesmerized me. The wetness of her on his cock as he drew it out, the tightening of her thigh and stomach muscles as he worked at her over and over. Oh my god.
I bent, still watching. His cock in her pussy, my tongue and teeth and lips on her clit. Her groans and whimpers built, dragged from her. Mine did also as she’d found me again with her hand. I panted and had to clamp down on the hot coiling lust she evoked with all she did to me. I could hold out. Yet I moaned as I played with her nub, stroking my tongue across and biting her so she squealed.
“What about here?” Klaus paused and slid his hand closer, below her slit. From her squeak and attempt to shift away, I figured out where he probed.
“Not there!” She tensed.
Smiling, I swirled across her once with the flat of my tongue to keep her still.
“Hmm. You’re pretty open. Maybe next time, toy.” He gave a slow, deliberate thrust. “Fuck, you’re tight in here as it is.”
Oh my. If he took her there, I’d be watching avidly.
“Mmm, Jodie. Please. Please,” she breathed. She was close—her thighs came in like a vice, trying to grip Klaus.
“Fuck. Fuck. Slow down,” I pleaded to her, squirming. “Not there. Not…not.” I squeezed my legs together on her fingers.
Klaus chuckled and thrust so far in she screamed and I managed to remember my job and gave her a series of hard tongue swipes and a rhythm of sucks guaranteed to eventually—
She screamed and came under me, bucking, while he speared into her arching body a few more times.
Once she’d relaxed a little I put my head up.
“Me too?” I begged Klaus, squirming.
Without further encouragement, he withdrew from her. Her moisture leaked and dampened the sheet at the join of her legs. Hoping to provoke another climax, I straddled her again and kept licking, with the lightest touch, only to be interrupted by Klaus rudely grabbing my butt and thrusting into me.
Bare cock. So much nicer than a condom.
For a moment I forgot her, absorbed in the multiple sensations—her wet lips and searching slippery tongue at the very core of my pleasure, his cock hammering into me so high, fast, and deep.
No. Not yet. Not…
My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, my neck arched, my eyes saw nothing, and an orgasm tore through me like a tsunami, bearing away every speck of consciousness except the last drive of his cock into me and his last shudder as he came.
Light sweat coated my skin, cooling already.
I gulped in air and rolled off her, weak and spent. After disposing of the condom he’d worn to fuck Steph, Klaus crawled up onto the bed then dragged Steph around the right way up. With an exaggerated sigh, he collapsed between us on his back. I chuckled at his melodrama. He kissed my nose, then turned his head and kissed hers, before he drew us together.
I peered across his chest at Steph. Though she looked as messed up as me—red of lip and flushed, with hair like an aroused medusa—she was also staring at Klaus as if she’d found a small but amazing creature in her house and didn’t know whether to rehome it outside or squash it. Then she spotted me and looked aside.
Had I read more into that than was there? Minds are funny things and mine was a little blown right then. I sighed and hugged Klaus some more. This would sort itself out.
Chapter 14
Before I went out the front door to head off for work I double-checked how Jodie would handle Steph. Jodie’s safety was my main concern. Nothing would ever be perfect—that was impossible—but I could make it as close to perfect as I could.
I held Jodie’s chin and moved her head slightly to and fro. “Don’t remove the cuffs. Okay?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“When you get her from the room, make her click the lock on the link of her cuffs to join them.”
“And no orgasms while I’m gone today.” I smirked. That one might make her squeak.
But after a pause: “Yes.” She twitched her eyebrows up as if in pain. “That’s going to be difficult.”
I chuckled. “I’m sure it will, knowing you. You are both to be waiting here kneeling when I get home. Actually, be in my favorite position. Over the hall table. I want to see two pretty, naked asses. You can wear a dress, though.”
“We might need more clothes soon. Since I’m sharing with her now.”
“Yes. You should go shopping this week, as long as you aren’t away too long. Hook the fire and burglar alarms to the app on your phone. Make sure they’re silent. We can’t risk the neighbors or the police coming here because the cat set them off.” When she nodded I thought of my last request. “Last of all, I want her wearing the new diamante butt plug every day when I get home.”
“You want our toy’s butt to sparkle? That plug was going to be mine, Sir.” Despite her small dissent, there was mischief in her eyes.
“I’ll order another. As well as more cuffs. Hers seem to be getting wet from showers an awful lot.” I bent and kissed her well. “You taste so good. Have fun putting the plug in.”
She grinned. “You have me figured out already.”
“I do, yes. You have permission to get her close to coming. If she goes over and it’s her fault, spank her for me.”
“I will.” Jodie inhaled deep, her grin even more intense.
“But…no emails mentioning her in any way, ever. If you ever have some emergency, phone me and mention the word…” What was an innocuous thing to say? “Say you’ve seen another stray cat in the yard.”
“Stray cat. I’ll remember.”
It was only a five-minute drive to my office. I parked my jeep in my usual spot, but before I went in, I crossed Nelly Bay Road to the beach opposite, took off my shoes and socks and ventured down to the sand where it merged with the grass under the palm trees. So peaceful. Already a mother had her toddler exploring the dunes and the shallow frothing water. The screams here were ones of pure delight. The screams at our home were as likely to be from pain as from pleasure.
I took a deep, deep breath and let the gentleness of my surrounds calm me.
Where was I going with this? Did I really know? I hadn’t faced my fears or my hopes properly yet. Everything had been too messed up. Too hurried. And so many surprises.
Jodie had turned into such a Domme with Steph.
I liked that. Kink was more fun when things were changing. But this wasn’t BDSM any more, was it? If it wasn’t completely consensual it wasn’t truly BDSM. I could make Steph enjoy it. I’d proved that. But the little looks she gave me, the ones I’d caught anyway, were half-fear, half-curiosity. How to convert her to full on acceptance? Because that was my aim, wasn’t it? Trust her, get her to trust me then let her go.
A seagull landed a few yards in front of me and gave me a once-over with one yellow eye before pattering off across the sand toward a dead fish. Even the seagulls suspected me of something bad today.
And yet, this was necessary for Jodie and I to stay here, free and able to enjoy our life. History had precedents. Grabbing Steph and making her our toy wasn’t exactly normal now, but go back to earlier societies and it would be. Society and its perception of what was wrong and what was right changed depending on what was best for it, for the people of the time.
If a Viking had someone take his woman and make her drunk so as to fuck her, like Leon had, like Stephanie had condoned, he would consider it his right to take revenge. People would die under his axe and that would be the correct justice.
Laws were made so the biggest group of people came out on top. Looked at that way, I was doing what was right for my people—for Jodie and me. Was that enough though? Was I happy, as Jodie had asked me? Fucked if I knew. Happines
s came and happiness went. Life handed you shit and you either turned belly-up or you made something out of it that was far better than shit stew.
When I’d had our little captive this morning, I’d wanted to fuck her ass. I sucked in a hard breath, held it, thought. Yeah, I still did. My cock twitched at the idea even. If this wasn’t making the best of a bad situation, I didn’t know what was. Something about having Steph under my utter control pushed all my dials into overload. Very like when Jodie and I had tried out capture fantasy, only perhaps a shade darker.
I stood and brushed sand off the back of my pants then trudged up through the trees. From BDSM I’d learnt control, hadn’t I? This wasn’t just my baser desires taking me over, it was me doing what would give us the best outcome. I paused and shut my eyes. Getting to make a woman crawl before me, kiss my cock, and suck it into her mouth on command…sticking it into her little asshole and fucking her there and then…that was all just collateral damage slash side benefit. Wasn’t it?
I coughed to clear the obstruction my throat had acquired. My dick was awkwardly positioned and painfully erect. Figured. Maybe I should hold back and see where I could go with Steph without letting my dick have its way?
I crossed the road, barefoot, shoes in hand, feeling the warmth of the sun in the asphalt on the road. Maybe. Hold back, not touch our little slave, for a while. My dick was going to be unhappy.
That night I arrived home, opened the door, and there were both Steph and Jodie in position as requested by me. My subconscious had somehow forgotten to remind me to cancel this event. I blinked, walked forward, and did my obligatory inspection, running my hands over both of them, over the sumptuous rising mounds of their bottoms. The temptation was too much.
When I played and pulled the butt plug out by a half inch then let it pop back in, Steph whimpered.
“Use the next size up in two days.”
Jodie turned her head. “Yes, Sir.”
I had a last good look at the diamantes winking on the end of the plug then at the glistening line of her cleft drawn between her legs where her swollen labia met. Getting Jodie to wait like this always got her aroused and wet. Was this the sign of a submissive? I put my hand on her, draped one finger right down the middle on her moisture then let the length of my finger slip between her lips. Steph made a small noise. The muscles of her cunt moved in—the automatic response of a woman waiting for a man to fuck her.
God damn. I wanted to unzip myself and put my cock in her. But I took my hand away and resisted teasing her some more. Restraint was my own order to myself.
My fingers shone with her wetness. Be good, man.
I stepped back.
“Nothing for you tonight either, gorgeous.” I pulled Jodie to her feet and kissed the top of her head. Nothing spoke of control more than wanting something and denying yourself.
Even if I wasn’t going to do anything to Steph, it would reinforce my authority to have them perform this welcome, so I left my order in place. Each day I’d just steel myself to be greeted this way. I smiled inside. Not exactly a chore. But I needed to get everything in my head lined up, one, two, three. No more going charging off like a maddened rhinoceros. I’d deal with the camera footage too, on the weekend, when I could be thorough.
On Wednesday, the newspapers finally reported that a Miss Stephanie Parker was missing and presumed involved in the deaths at the Edante mansion. Police were again hoping for public help and would anyone with information please contact them. A relative of the missing woman, Thom Parker, was flying in from Switzerland.
I sat back in my office chair when I read that on the PC screen. Damn. She had family. Though it was to be expected, somehow this made her more of a person. More someone who should have my sympathy than someone I needed to manipulate until they did what I wanted them to.
Or someone I just fucked because I wanted to? I rubbed my temples where the hint of a headache was thumping in. I needed a distraction. Extreme exercise was the best solution. The adrenalin would wash away the crap in my head and let me think clearly.
So I volunteered Chris for another session—one of the great benefits of being the boss. Half an hour to fight. Twenty to dress and recover, tops. We skipped a proper lunch and worked through it most days anyway. This would get the cobwebs blown from both our stodgy accountants’ brains.
We retrieved our gear and made our way up to the park.
“Make this three days a week? Regular?” I faced Chris after a few obligatory stretches.
“Sure.” He grinned. “That’s if your old bones can take it.”
“Fuck you, you little upstart.” I smiled back.
Not that Chris was little. He topped me by an inch even if our musculature and fitness were similar. The man was more dedicated to his fighting than me though. Three disciplines? And he’d tried freestyle bouts for a while too. Those were nasty. You could get your spine kicked out of you, let alone your teeth.
“See if you can really show me what you can do today. Show me your worst.”
“My worst? You don’t want that, man.”
“Okay, enough to impress me then. I feel the need. Work is bugging me at the moment. Just remember I need to be able to type after.”
“Okay.” He nodded and settled into the lithe ready stance of a man looking for a fight to begin and ready to take advantage of whatever flaws showed in an opponent. “Let’s do this.”
We approached each other. My muscles, my awareness were hyped, prepared.
Prepared for anything except the raw violence he unleashed.
Within seconds, after a flurry of mock hits, of blows that never followed through, of dancing, we got into it and exchanged real hits. One of his fists thumped through my defense into my side, a second glanced off my jaw and then I was taken down to the ground and wrapped in a headlock with his fist drawn back and quivering. He glared down at me.
“One hit and your throat would be crushed and you’d be dead before anyone could do a thing.” The feral gleam in his gaze almost caressed me. “I’d do it too. If I had to.”
I’d never seen such utter honesty in such a moment before. If you could judge lethality in a man’s words and actions, Chris was a man who could kill.
Then he released me.
We scrambled to our feet and slapped each other’s hands. “That one’s yours,” I said wryly. From the sting and liquid cooling on my chin I was bleeding. I wiped at it, and yes, blood marked the back of my hand. “Damn. That’s going to impress the clients.”
As if a few seconds before he’d not been growling death threats, Chris nodded, chuckling. “You’ve got street fighting cred now.”
“And accountants need that? I guess I’m behind the times. Let’s go back to lessons. I’ll take you on again in a month.”
The rest of the training went quickly, though I could feel my lip swelling.
At the office afterward, we changed and showered then Chris rummaged in the staff freezer for our ice pack. “Bit late to do the most good. You might get a bruise from that.”
“I’ll live.” I wrapped a towel over the pack and applied it to my throbbing face. The small mirror on the wall showed some bruising all right. “Lucky you didn’t break my jaw.”
“No. I’m accurate. I wouldn’t have.” He perched his butt on the kitchen counter next to the sink. “Are you coming to the next play party with Jodie? Next weekend?”
I grimaced. Even if we just watched, somehow talking BDSM with people who followed the rules of safe, sane, and consensual did not seem wise. Not with what I had happening back at my house.
“No. Jodie and I have decided to stay away from get-togethers for the time being.”
“Yeah? Kat was only asking about you two today.”
I cocked an eyebrow. “She was? That’s Kat. For her, giving up is not an option. Maybe it’s best for her too if we stay away?”
“Maybe. I’ve got a question for you about kink if it’s not too off base.” I nodded and he continued. “I’v
e heard what you said about you and Jodie acting out that capture fantasy for months and, you know, I wish I had a lady who wanted to try that out. Any hints?”
Where was this going? “Normally you’d have to ease into a D/s relationship first. We already knew each other, but Jodie is a bit unique. Her idea was, let’s say, startling to me.” I smiled.
“Startling? Yeah, for sure.”
“Keep looking. You need someone who’s more than a casual partner at a play party, though.”
“Yes. I was just curious. You’re a lucky man. Sounds like a really intense experience.”
The dark steadiness in his gaze said more than merely curious to me. Though I couldn’t pin it down, it resembled whatever had shone from them in that crystalline moment when he’d held me down and declared death had arrived. I guess Chris was another accountant with hidden depths.
“Yes, it was intense. More than you can imagine.”
“I can imagine a lot, Klaus.” He tapped his head. “I like using my head to think through situations well before they happen. That helps with work too. I believe it makes me a better accountant. Anyway, keep that pack on your face for ten minutes. I’ll tell Marjorie to hold the fort while I go buy you some analgesics.”
The rest of the week went past slowly. Painfully slowly. Going celibate was not something I did often. Thank god.
I told Steph about her stepbrother arriving on the day he got off the plane and she looked both sad and regretful. Tough. I couldn’t afford to let it bother me.
But it did. The more I thought about it, the more it did. This was a real person we had kidnapped. A real woman with friends out there and a family. With hopes for her future.
So I ignored her as best I could while keeping her in our bed each night and supervising how Jodie handled her. If anything, I was growing more distant from Stephanie emotionally. Not good. Also not good was Jodie’s puzzlement that I wouldn’t make love to her, or allow her and Steph to.
Jodie domming Steph was fascinating, but only if I was in the equation. Messy perhaps? Confusing? I had to sort my head out. The weekend loomed. I needed time to think and Saturday would be it. Crunch time. Get the data sorted and set in place a true plan. Before had been a rush job. Facts, facts, and more facts. None of this random jerk-of-the-knee crap.