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Claimed Possession Page 12

  They’d been composed of modern materials. Whatever this gun was made of, it resembled a sand-blasted metal and all the bronzed switches and wheels were incomprehensible. The trigger was obvious.

  “I don’t get a pretty colored one?” He was joking. He expected he had the generic variety. Gray would surely shoot as well as did purple.

  “You have to make it yours before it’ll show its colors.” Sassik folded his arms then gestured at a tree closer than the building. “See if you can hit that yellow fruit hanging off.”

  Saw hefted the rifle. A snapped-off pillar made a handy gun rest and he nestled the barrel on there, aimed. The sights were damn primitive – two triangles. He squeezed off a shot, felt the weapon sort of swell then wham out a round, and he realized he didn’t even know how you loaded it. The shot went wide and snapped off a big branch.

  “How do you aim?”

  “With here.” Sassik slapped his chest then tapped below his eye. “And here. You will improve. Three nights, maybe.


  “That will give you enough time to bond. Though to be really good, like Dayne or me...” He nodded as Dayne sauntered up with a gold-and-red long gun hanging from one fist. “You need years of meditation, of sleeping with your weapon, caring for it.”

  Dayne also carried a promising bag in his other hand. Scrolls of color swept across the metal of his long gun, swirling red onto the barrel. Red that looked like tiny beetles.

  The other words from Sassik registered. Years of meditation? Sleeping with it? What the fuck.

  “Got what you asked for and a few more things from the slavemaster.” Dayne lowered the bag. “He’s where you go for this stuff. Her clothes came from him. You’ll owe him through Zarr. If you fail to keep Zarr happy, be aware he can ask for penalties if payment isn’t made. Mittens are here too...”

  “Good.” He took aim and sent off three more rounds...rounds that left light blue wakes of mist. All missed. The tree suffered though. He heard a snort and turned. Ari had made that sound.

  “You understand what we mean?” Sassik raised his gun and promptly destroyed all three of the fruit pods hanging from the tree with three precise shots. “On your world maybe it is different?”

  “You meditate?” He raised an eyebrow at Ari. “Serious?” His plan was being neglected. “So, you’re really saying I need to meditate on the gun to get better?”

  “Yes.” Sassik raised his gun and kissed it, grinned. “She is a living thing, just like your slave.” He nodded toward where Ari kneeled. “You have to train them, same as her. The results are worth it. Better accuracy, range, power. They listen to what you want.”

  “Okay.” He had no clue as to what they meant. “So there’s not a lot of point to this then? Shooting now. According to you?”

  Dayne shrugged and ran his hand over his crew cut hair. “There is. Sassik is a master gunman, so don’t assume you will get as good as him. He could hit a bird on the top story nine times out of ten, but this today helps. It’s your beginning. You handle your weapon doing this. You introduce yourself to her. Think though. Feel when you shoot.”

  Next they’d want him to dance with it. “I’ll do more then. But first...”

  His plan for Ari. He rested the gun against another pillar and went to the bag Dayne had brought, hefted it onto the ragged square top of the stone. He removed a few things, along with the leather mittens.

  He spoke to her, absentmindedly as he shuffled through the bag’s contents. “Did I hear a sound from you, Ari?”

  “No? I’m not real, Sawyer, so how could I make a sound?” From the inside, her tongue dented her cheek.

  Daring, so daring. Well, he had told her he wouldn’t irreparably harm her. Emboldened her, he had.

  Quietly, barely crushing the grass under his boots, he went to her.

  Her eyes stayed on his, wide and maybe scared, though flicking aside to look at the bit gag he held. The slavemaster stocked much of what he liked.

  “This is just to stop you speaking. You can scream with it on, if you need to.”

  Only days ago, she would have struggled against this. She waited, watching the gag approach.

  The shape of her lips was distorted as the bit pushed in. He buckled it at the back, without saying any words to distract her. Then he picked up the stick he’d found in the bag and stood to swish it through the air. Not made of cane and it had one flatter, leathery end. Either end would be good for punishment, though which would hurt more? Decisions, decisions. The plain stick end could be tried first.

  He fastened her cuffs at her front. So convenient when a girl came with these attached.

  He realized he liked excuses to punish her, and he had such a good gauge to use as to when to stop. His cock.

  “I think today I would like to shoot at things and hit you.” He looked down at her, his unreal girl. Now that he’d relegated her to being a possibly imaginary part of this malevolent world, he felt entitled to do a lot more than he had.

  Morals, what were they?

  She blinked up at him. Already saliva wet the black rod of the bit. The helplessness inherent in her not being able to speak or use her hands did nice things to his brain. He bent over her and had her go to all fours then pushed until she had to lean on her forearms. The leash pooled on the ground next to her head. “When I say ass up, you assume this position today. Do that before I get behind you or I hit you twice as much as I intended to.”

  God. What was he doing to her? Anything. Everything.

  No limits felt like nirvana.

  Though he didn’t need to do this to know what was happening below, he felt his groin. Cock at zero degrees of erection – even with this hard-on of the mind he’d been suffering from ever since washing her at the lake.

  Exhaustion and repeated arousal had worked on her before, and he had a hunch spanking her might have too. That or the drink, or both. Either way, he was about to experiment.

  “He’s definitely wearing her out, Sassik,” Dayne said behind him.

  “So long as he doesn’t get cum on the weapon.”

  He walked behind her. His hand looked lethal wrapped over the cane. Only moments before it’d been wrapped around a gun.

  Watching his fingers unclench then settle again, one after the other, he considered his intentions. They were, if judged by elsewhere standards, evil.

  The look in her eye when he’d brought the gag over had seemed tinged with a strange excitement.

  Strange was right for this world.

  He resettled his fingers.

  If he was going to be the devil, he may as well do it with flair.

  The cane was a great tool for lifting her short skirt above her ass and baring her properly.

  Very deliberately, he tapped the cane at the divide of her ass, judging distance and how the cane bounced on her flesh. Then, just as deliberately, he laid three stripes across her skin. Her shrieks were a little muffled but beautiful.

  The red came out nicely when he waited a few seconds.

  His cock was still a zero when he touched it, so he walked away and shot some more rounds.

  Then he went back and caned her six times more. The slope of her back tempted him, and he smoothed his palm down the curve from nape, along spine, lower, to gently caress her marked ass.

  No safeword. No out for her.

  This trembling, whimpering woman.


  If he suddenly found himself back on Earth, he would miss this.

  The next time, he did six again, though he caressed her afterward. She shivered, transitioning down from yelping and sucking in gulps of tormented air to leaning into his hand.

  The third time he planned to cane her twelve times. In between strokes of the cane he stroked her pussy, pretending to fuck her with the leathery end. Instead he slipped in fingers.

  Was it the twenty-fifth stroke when she tried to crawl away, despite the hobbling of her wrists?

  He stood on the leash then leaned his fo
rearm on her back and reminded her of his threat. She returned to her position, shuddering as she recovered from the pain, drool stringing from her mouth.

  She’d obeyed, though and... He swiveled on his knee, eyeing her pussy. Copious wetness glinted in the sunlight between the lips; red stripes crisscrossed her ass and upper thighs.

  Welts. His fingers traversed those, over the slight bumps, around one that had bruised into a purple-red swelling. Her gasping lessened and slowed when he ventured to trail his fingers between her legs, to run them into that natural groove.

  Her back arched.

  He could feel his cock straining at his pants. Something had worked. The pain, the arousal...

  He could fly with this method again. Absolutely a green light.

  “There he goes.” Dayne sighed. The man was leaning against the pillar and watching avidly. “Cum on the gun is a certainty now.”

  He gave Dayne the finger, a wet finger, though unsure the gesture meant the same thing on Aerthe.

  He returned his attention to Ari.

  “I could fuck you right now,” he said quietly. Then he stuck two fingers up her cunt as a punctuation mark. The arch of her spine deepened, though she continued to sob. Tears, sweet tears of pain. “Would you like me to fuck you? Do you like the feel of cock inside you? Answer.”

  He slipped an inch of leather from the buckle of the gag, loosening the gag until it hung below her mouth.

  Nothing. No answer. He shoved his fingers deeper then pulled them out, struggled to squeeze a third in but couldn’t without perhaps tearing her, judging by her screeches. “If you’d like three cocks in you at once, don’t answer me.”

  “Gods. No. I don’t want that. Please?”

  “The question?” His thumb cruised among the moisture from her pussy. He found the vicinity of her asshole and slowly inscribed a circle around the hole. “Three of us. You know where the other cock would have to go.”

  Her shoulders ascended as she breathed deeply. Then words slipped out. “Yes.”

  “Yes, you know? Was that a cock answer or something else? Time to call Sassik and Dayne over?”

  “I like it.” She gulped and he prodded her asshole. She coughed out a sob, sniffed through what sounded like a river of tears then...“Yes. I like cock inside me.”

  “Good. That’s what you needed to say.” He climbed to his feet.

  “I hate you also,” she said quietly.

  “I already knew that. I would swear my thumb went inside your asshole. Did you like that too?” He dusted grass from his pants.

  She was sitting up on her knees. Slowly she shook her head then added, firmly, “No.”

  “Denial doesn’t help either.” Even that sliver of thumb tip gave him ideas. “More training for you.” She bit her lip and tears welled. Poor thing. Not.

  “Where can I wash my hands?” he asked. “Don’t want her on the gun.”

  They pointed him in a direction, and he found a smaller, clearer pond on a slab of tilted concrete-like substance. Little waterfalls flowed down a few sections of the toppled buildings. It was clear and clean.

  He shot more rounds, though all of them knew his mind was elsewhere.

  Did anyone care if he fucked her here? With the ragged tree growth only Sassik and Dayne could see, unless...

  He went to her with cane in hand, undid her cuffs, then tapped the cane under her chin until she raised her head.

  “You like cock? Open your mouth.”

  “Morta!” he heard Dayne mutter. “I don’t think I can watch this. I’m off to find a woman of my own to fuck.

  “You do that.” Sassik laughed. “I will watch happily.”

  “You and your chastity vows.”

  “Pffft. I honor my deceased family. I watch. I don’t fuck. Yet.”

  Sassik’s words made sticking his cock in her mouth seem almost sacrilegious. Almost.

  With tears and drool still drying on her cheeks and chin, Ari opened her mouth and waited.

  He unbuttoned the fly of his pants, pulled himself out, then eyed her. “Crawl forward and take it in that wet little mouth of yours. Do it right or I will fucking cane you.”

  “I...don’t know what right is.”

  “Then I’ll teach you.” He backed away two steps.

  She shot him a last glance of dismay but shuffled slowly forward on hands and knees, mouth twisting as she encountered rocks. The sway of her plump ass, knowing he’d reddened it...he took a step back, then another – taunting her. How far he made her crawl was entirely up to him.

  She paused, eyed him then his erection.

  “Keep crawling, girl,” he said softly.

  Apart from a single sigh, it seemed he’d mesmerized her, for she reached forward, placed the palm on the ground, then crawled. Again the undulation of her ass slew him. His cock hardening, he wrapped his hand over the head and shaft, and squeezed.

  This time he stayed still and let her reach him.

  “Very good. Open that mouth wider. Come.” With his forefinger, he beckoned.

  She closed in until the tip of his cock brushed her lips. A twitch swung his cock away from her mouth and she inhaled. “ you know...” She grimaced. “How much I’ve dreamed of biting it off.”

  Eyes narrowed, he considered what she meant. If she planned on acting on that, she’d not have told him. “What matters is that you do as you’re told. Keep going.”

  No more than a fraction of thought could’ve passed through her mind before she obeyed.

  Her eyelids lowered as she leaned in, mouth engulfing him, her lips smooth and wet as the purest honey. Pleasure cascaded. “Eyes open, dear girl.”

  They snapped open and she stared up, catching his gaze. “Lock onto these.” He touched below his right eye. “Suck and glide. No teeth unless I say. Just so you know, if you bite me, I will tie you to that pillar ass out and let the whole warband fuck you anywhere with anything they feel like using.”

  She only blinked and kept sucking, her head moving back and forth and taking most of his length.

  After a few more of those, he put a hand to the back of her head and jammed her onto his cock until she gagged. His cock pulsed.

  He let her pop her mouth off him to breathe. Drool and precum strung from her lips.

  She’d wanted to kill him, and now he had her like this?

  What could ever beat such a moment?

  Earth was looking less interesting, day by day.

  With her still coughing and spluttering, he snapped out, “hands,” then fastened the cuffs at her back.

  He pulled the cloth away from her breasts and slapped them, then pinched both nipples until she was twisting her body to get away, twisting her hands in the cuffs, and squeaking. With fingers under her collar, he held her in place. He alternated between slapping each breast, caressing them, pinching her nipples, running his palms under her breasts, and squeezing. Finally, she subsided into panting and, from what he could see, simply feeling what he was doing.

  Liking it, he figured. Some people transcended beyond the pain. Her response only gave him more ones.

  He carefully replaced the cloth over her reddened breasts.

  Without fuss, he picked up Ari and carried her to the pillar he’d laid his gun against, then put her down a moment while he removed his shirt then emptied the bag of toys and kink gear. He laid the gun on the ground and arranged the bag and shirt over the uneven surface of the snapped-off pillar. Though eroded by the weather, the top was rough enough to abrade. He wasn’t aiming to scour her skin.

  The pillar was a fairly exposed place, and he could see her face change when he hoisted her up there, belly down.

  “Wait, no, not here. People can see.”

  “You know what happens if you wriggle too much?”

  “Unfair,” she whispered. “Anything but this.”

  “You know why?” He unclipped her wrists and towed her arm downward then caught her ankle and connected wrist to ankle – repeated it on t
he other side of the pillar. She was immobilized, with her head hanging over at one end, her butt and legs at the other.

  “You know why I’m doing it like this? Fucking you in the open?” Sawyer stood beside her, poked the thumb of his left hand into her cunt to get it wet, then he pressed it at her asshole. He slapped his palm over her mouth. “Push out. Push. Out.”

  Nothing gave for many seconds but at last her muscles relaxed, and she couldn’t get away no matter how she squirmed. Slowly screwing his thumb this way and that, he popped it further into her.

  Her ass clamped onto his thumb, the circle of muscles fluctuating from contracting down to releasing.

  Then he waited and waited, through the whimpers and the cries, until he figured she might be able to concentrate on words again.

  “I’m doing this because I fucking hate liars. You lied to me. Why? Why say you could talk to JI and fix him?” He was a little angry now but he stepped behind her, introduced cock to her cunt hole with his thumb still taking liberties. “Just to mess with me?”

  He shoved his cock in, deep, and had to pause with it in her, balls against her wetness. Her head arched up. The choking sound coming from her throat wasn’t cock-in-mouth problems. Guess she did like it. God, the little bitch felt better than ever.

  Past her head, he saw Sassik watching intently, with one hand on his crotch.

  He fucked her again, slamming in, thumb-fucking her at the same time. “Why? Lie again and I swear so many bad things will happen. Don’t you ever.” He punctuated each word with a thrust. “Lie. To. Me. Again.”

  He found tears leaking from his eyes, and he knew why but he wasn’t letting it stop him. Revenge? This girl had no clue. She could physically hurt him and he’d punish her but hurting him with such devious mindfucking lies was a no-go zone.

  In the middle of this sexual mayhem, he thought he heard her croak a reply, and he paused, knees braced into the pillar, venom waiting to drip from his mouth if she dared to lie again.

  “I didn’t lie, Sawyer! I didn’t.”

  The vehemence in her answer threw him. Was he wrong? If she could help him, would he owe her some consideration? That...would be excruciating.