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Condemned Page 11

  “Nothing, yet.”


  But he stood, still wrestling with right, wrong, and this terrible need to fuck her no matter which this was.

  Doing with her. As if he could do whatever he wanted to. Like he was her god, and the others too—Kon, Zo, even Captain Takk. Perhaps they were. There was the question—should he do anything with her?

  Her desire was a compulsion.

  He could create compulsion in himself, by swallowing some of her pussy wetness. Was it the answer for him—to even things up?

  “Last night, after I heard what she was, I asked around, found someone who knew the local wise man.” He’d found the mauleon he wanted only a few doors down from the tavern. The drenkeeg as he was called in the old language. Only this wise man had a computer—a rusted, scratched, cracked piece of junk that worked when the generator was cranked up.

  Timin took the bottom hem of Avalon’s stained tunic, raised it high, and drew it off over her head. Next, he undid and removed her bra, amused she let him do it with zero protest. He stood adoring the beauty of her breasts.

  Because... tits. He cupped them, gently lifting them, entranced by their softness and weight. Watching her face, he brushed his thumbs beneath her areolas.

  The slow, sultry closing of her eyes and the way she pushed out her chest was enough to convince him.

  He should take what she offered.

  Any other mauleon would. The bad ones would cast her aside afterward; he would not.

  “And?” Takk prompted.

  What had they been saying? He sorted through the conversation. “He has a computer. The town techie tinkers with it, keeps it running. He found efsana on the old database. They’ve always been rare.”

  He stooped to tug off her leggings, slipped them from her dainty toes. The panties he removed last.

  “Naked girl. Mmm.” He kept his voice quiet, afraid he might stir her to greater awareness. Touching her body drew sighs from her. She nuzzled his arm, nibbling him, turning when he urged her. “They’ve also always been huleon. It wears off after a week maybe, or a bit less. According to Zo, she’s been changing for days. Haven’t you.”

  It wasn’t really a question and she didn’t answer it.

  Her eyes were glued to his, her nipples shrinking to taut buttons, her ass squirming about as she summoned him to fuck what lay between her legs. She was ripe and in the middle of this efsana change. At the peak even. Her resisting the lure of a male must be nigh impossible.

  He could have her, no questions.

  Takk smiled a hard smile. “Be sure of this.”

  They both knew this meant Timin fucking her.

  With the tips of his fingers, he traced from her upper spine to her nape then he gathered her lush scarlet hair into one hand. He fisted it and pulled her into him, smiling at her frantic squeak and long shivery exhale. That back of hers, gods, where it ventured downward to swell into the hills of those ass cheeks, and that ass of hers rubbing on his cock through the cloth.

  She waggled that ass again. He’d swear his cock could read every dip and hill of her body, even with his pants in the way.

  This was fucking agony but the good sort.

  Releasing her, he shucked off boots and clothes then kissed the top of her head. “I can smell her, and you know that’s weird. I think maybe she’s the only scent I can detect. A proper taste will likely trigger me.”

  “Dangerous, see. She’ll haul you in, a big fish caught on her pretty girly hook.”

  “And you, Takk?” He raised his head while keeping a firm grip on her neck. “Here you are, Captain Logical, sitting in a closed room with her, ready to watch me wash her down. That perfume Zo used will be gone.”

  The frown said the captain had forgotten the result of washing her. Clean girl, perfect pheromone scent.

  Which of them was the lure, which the master?

  In some ways it was her. But her magnetism to males was automatic and out of her control.

  He could choose to resist. Or choose to taste her cunt and be swept away. Yeah, he loved the idea of being called by this little bitch. Until her, now, he’d given up on fucking, except for the odd impersonal rented whore, who he knew would be glad when he exited.

  He had a fondness for being the predator.

  “What do you think, Avalon? To fuck or not to fuck? Am I wrong to take you?”

  From behind, he reached around and cupped her breast, squeezed, then turned to present her fully to his captain. His grip tightened, no doubt hurting her a little. Her writhe and gasp, the thrill coursing through his dick, those slammed his libido into high gear.


  He dragged a nuclear-fueled breath through his teeth then reached down and stuck his finger up inside her. He lifted her to tiptoe as he fucked her there, noisily, then withdrew his now very sticky hand, brought it to his mouth and slid the length of his finger into his mouth. He sucked off all her juices. He’d swear he felt the sting as those atoms of hers rampaged through his blood, and into his balls, his dick, and his mind.

  “Oh, yeahhh.” He closed his eyes, boosted by this new, glittering power to fuck.

  One thing left to settle.

  “You want her too?” The harshness in his voice reflected his craving. Talking was foolish. He set his teeth, holding himself back from bending her over. Behind him came the swish of the door being opened. Without looking, he ground out, “Kon. Stay out there. Find another bath. This time she’s mine.” After an unhappy noise, the mauleon left, the door closed. “Well, Captain?”

  “You start. I’ll watch.”

  “That’s a dangerous path.” Fun, to stir the captain.

  Takk reclined in the water and wrapped his fist about his cock where it broke the surface. “Do it. Fuck her. I might join you. I might not.”

  “You can’t sell her at Omage, not now.”

  “Can’t is not in my vocabulary.”

  “Fuck her with me.”

  “Don’t push me, Timin. Get her cleaner, then do her.”

  Yet Takk was risking the compulsion too, this close and with Avalon dripping cunt juice everywhere. Since he’d fingered her, the evidence had been plain to see.

  Two holes for them, or three, considering her ass had taken that plug. He hauled her toward the pool. Get her clean first.

  She barely made a sound. Avalon quiet was a whole other game to that wild and feisty girl by the footpath. He liked both versions.

  Timin scooped up water and poured it over her, kept doing the washing that way until he grew impatient. Then he thrust her under the water and ducked her up and down, scrubbing with his hands. She spluttered, scowled, but let him.

  Now and then he sucked on her tits, or her cunt, raising her above the water with a hand under her butt, diving his tongue along her slit and inside, wriggling it, sucking on her clit too.

  Her squeals became desperate.

  The captain’s eyes grew big and his cock did too as he stroked himself, until the poor mauleon had to stop, jaw firmed, waiting for the main show. Timin grinned at that and the girl worming about in the water, flustered, moaning.

  Soon, if not soon enough, she was clean, clean, clean.

  “Good,” he grunted with his hand holding her in place, half submerged, tits like small mountain tops poking from the water. “You’re done.”

  He dragged her higher then climbed and lay on the first step with his cock standing erect between them, like a marker. He smiled, imagining the sign—past here lies a hazardous male. The rows of bumps on the shaft proclaimed him a mature male. His cock veins were full and coursed around it, a cock straining desperately for the nearest hot pussy—hers. Every atom of him screamed at him to fuck her. Every atom of him could fucking well wait until she came for him.

  She was sprawled on her side, legs kissed by the ripples of the pool, a siren lured from the depths of the sea. Her head craned back and she stared up at him.

  He crooked his finger. “Here.”

owly, she flipped herself onto her stomach and she crawled from the shallow water to him, up between his now spread legs, with her eyes on the prize—his cock.

  “Show me.”

  She sighed, all gooey-eyed and licking her lips.

  Avalon crawled nearer, her baby claws needling into his legs, knees, and thighs, and he winced. Motes of lust, was that what he saw swirling and dusting the air? Surely it was a fucking yes.

  His cock twitched, welcoming her presence. If it knew coding, it’d be signaling, come to Daddy.

  She reached his balls and kissed one then the other, mouthing them as she had the sleeve of his shirt, which was when he’d seen firsthand the grip of the efsana on her mind. She’d sucked on him and barely realized what she did.

  What a wet, hot mouth. “Fuck.” She kissed her way up his shaft, grasping his cock at the base and aiming at her mouth, making him swear even more, even louder. Takk chuckled.

  Then... she hovered, mouth above, her breath warming his dick.

  Only so much of a signal did he need. She wanted, he wanted. He grabbed her head and forced her down, adding gruffly, “Take it.”

  The sight of her engulfing that part of him and the noises of her licking hit him at the same time as the sensation—lips and tongue moved softly on his flesh. Like his mauleon brothers, he was too large to fit in her mouth fully, alas. He groaned and let her work down there a while longer before he grabbed her hair and switched their positions. He maneuvered himself above and behind her.

  With her belly down, with water licking at their feet, he aimed at her precious, perfectly wet cunt.

  He thrust inside her and flattened her to the tiles. Water sloshed as he thrust three more times up and into her. It brought him full-on to the neck-biting, orgasmic, growling edge.

  He halted, still buried full length inside the girl, balls squashed to her swollen flesh. His head back, blood calling him to fuck her hard, he strived not to come. With a final groan, he pulled out.

  “No one’s done your ass yet.” Didn’t expect her answer, not with her clawing at the tiles, humping back at him, huffing, mewling for more. “Wait.” He pinned her down. “Wait.” He sucked and gnawed his lip. He had a kink he wanted ticked off.

  Maybe it was a kink reserved only for her, but then he had a feeling she would be all he needed from this day onward.

  “Captain? Do her ass.” He knew he wouldn’t fit, not the first time, but watching another do it while he was inside, yes. A huge yes.



  The captain grinned back at him, cock firmly in hand but on pause mode. “Get Kon.”

  “Kon! In here, fast! I need your cock in her!”

  The her beneath his hand with her cheek to the floor had her eyes rolled up and was making soft noises. Those noises were driving him crazy.


  Kon banged in through the door and at one sight of the situation was ripping through buttons and flinging clothes to the four walls. He padded over, bare-assed naked within ten seconds of entering the room, Timin would swear.

  “Yeah. What the fuck, Timin?”

  “This the fuck.” He smacked the girl’s butt and she groaned, wriggled. “You get to fuck her asshole. Gently,” he stressed. “While I do her pussy. Deal?”

  Bug-eyed, Kon wiped at his mouth and waved a hand at her.

  “Taking that as a yes. You get to be the pillow. Use her juices for lube. There’s plenty. Get in her then turn over on your back.”

  Smirking at how Kon stood frozen, he rolled onto his back then pulled her close, made her crawl up him until her breasts wobbled into close view. He began to suck and tease her nipples with mouth and tongue, one then the other, sucking them fully into his mouth while he gripped each breast like he owned them.

  Kon kneeled behind her, sliding back and forth, picking up wetness as he probed between her legs.

  Greedily slurping, Timin watched, feeling her arch and tilt to get more of his mouth, more of that cock. Kon had begun to push inside. Her moans and the small shaking of her thighs, her clutching at the tiles and his biceps assured him she was loving this.

  Her first ass fuck was going to be awesome. Plain awesome, with him inside her too.

  “Tell me when you’re in as far as you can go.”

  Kon thrust at her again.

  With a squeal, Avalon dropped onto her forearms. Timin twisted his upper body out from under but kept a hand massaging over her clit, the other palm on her back, holding her.

  Finally, Kon gasped out, “Ready.”

  Chapter Twenty

  When Kon rolled them over with his cock still inside her, she lost track of which way was up. The world swam up there, on the dappled ceiling with the tentacle shadows.

  She shut her eyes.

  She was shaking at the shock of him inside that taboo place. There’d been an ass plug there, once, but that was different.

  This was far more personal. Being fucked by a cock in the ass, it was as if they were one. She became a part of him, an extension only existing for fucking.

  Conflicting moments seesawed between hurt and good, and she told herself, this should not feel good.

  Kon lay beneath her and with every breath he took his cock slid in and out a little. Enough to make her feel so curiously taken. She heard her own hoarse breaths, her choked sounds, and knew that she kneaded his arms, digging into them with her claws.

  His arms squashed onto her breasts, as he rocked, as he fucked.

  Her ears rang. Her mouth was permanently open and panting. Somehow, she was fractured and disembodied, as well as his, and taken, and owned.

  Were those moans hers?

  Oh, yes, they were.

  She gasped as he humped at her again. Her ass muscles tried to clamp onto his cock as it pulsed large and very real, soft yet hard, immense. Almost too big. There was an impossible stretch that morphed into new blossoming sensations.

  “Fuck!” she whispered squeakily.

  “Talking again, beautiful?” Timin leaned over her, smiling, and he shoved her thighs back and high, keeping them there with his shoulders. He stuck several fingers into her pussy, and she couldn’t help bucking and crying out.

  Pleasure was turning her inside out. Those fingers. Two mauleons in her.

  Her wetness seemed to spill over and run down her ass, making her slide over Kon as he kept on minutely fucking her asshole.

  More, her mind pleaded. More.

  “Your cunt feel good with my fingers in you? Kon in you?”

  Feeling duty bound to protest, she tried to speak, only he shoved those fingers higher and pleasure surged, flaring through her. Her eyes rolled up. Pussy and ass. All of her seemed to throb and merge. Desire rose and she wriggled but could barely move.

  Not enough to escape.

  As if she’d want to, with one mauleon in her ass, and with the other one staring into her half-shuttered eyes while much of his hand was inside her.

  “Please,” she found herself croaking.

  “Please? This?” He thrust again, deeper.

  She bowed her back, unsure which way lay pleasure. To succumb to the one invasion or the other.

  There was no answer, except to be theirs. Questions dissolved. Her mouth being taken by Kondio while Zo did her pussy at the barn—it had been nothing compared to this.

  Avalon gasped, writhing against their hold, glimpsing the male above her as he positioned himself, and then his cock barely breached her entrance, nudging into her... before it slid slowly, inexorably deeper.

  Wrapping his arms across the backs of her thighs, Kon fastened her legs even higher. Her feet were waving in the air and she was pinned, folded in two and on top of Kon, her pillow. Exposed completely. His grip opened her up to whatever they wanted to do.

  “Are you ours? Mine?” Timin asked in a harsh voice, as he fucked in hard, sliding in, spearing her, forcing her onto Kon who also impaled her.

  Her mouth opened wide, wider, and some uni
ntelligible noise came out, as they both began to screw her in earnest. Her sounds devolved into grunts and squeaks and she drew blood from Kon’s arms, but he didn’t care, neither did Timin who had her thoroughly, with so much of him shoved into her.

  She stiffened and arched blindly as the orgasm rocked into her, shattering her mind, fucking with every shaking part of her as both of them conquered her. Impaled, ravaged, and overwhelmed, she struggled to breathe as the two of them continued for several thrusts before climaxing, buried in her to the balls.

  Oh, gods. She couldn’t breathe.

  The red face of Timin with his fangs showing as Kon bellowed and again shoved in deep and hard.

  The rough fucking. Timin trying not to collapse onto her, his arms taut, head lowered.

  The double penetration by two males who dwarfed her so completely.

  It was an unforgettable and deviant pleasure that tangled inextricably with possession.

  Soon, she ended up on her knees, happily licking both of their cocks dry.

  Do this too often and she’d become nothing more than their slave.

  Was that so awful, she wondered, curled up and engulfed by a mess of mauleon, all muscular bodies and limbs, with their scent and gentle caresses making her smile.

  Maybe not.

  Maybe yes.

  Probably yes.

  Too late, this time.

  She inhaled and exhaled, dreamily lost.

  Until Captain Takk loomed above and told them all to get up, get clean again, and dressed. They had to leave.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Riding with the girl in front of him seemed the best choice to Takk. They were all crazy over her and he could imagine what would happen if he allowed Kondio, Timin, or Zo to have her. Sex on a florse might be difficult but they’d have tried. He planned to make good time over the mountains. Efficient time. The army had only honed his inclination for control of minutia.

  Life was too messy without planning.

  Three days over, then into Omage, then home, and that last leg was another two days. Less than a week, allowing for interruptions, and they’d be home.