Bind and Keep Me, Book 2 Page 10
So, maybe this was just slightly wrong? I groaned. Fucked if I knew. Long as I knew my boundaries. Long as I had that. Yes. I pushed off from the wall and went in search of the leash.
Getting her down to the room had been an exercise in safety. I wasn’t game to cuff her hands at the front. But we’d made it, and I chained her wrists to a wall ring with them still at her back. She had the mattress to lie on and could shift and turn if she wanted.
“What if I need to go to the toilet, Jodie?” She pleaded with those big brown eyes.
“You can hang on. It’s two o’clock.”
As I marched back to the door, I ignored her protests about it being three more hours. Then I shut the door behind me, and leaned against it to gather my composure. I was so horny I wanted to use the vibe, but Klaus had long ago forbidden me to do that by myself. I too had to wait. Damn her for making me like this. And yet, I also loved that she could arouse me.
I shut my eyes and relished that heavy aching feel between my legs. It made me so aware of being a woman.
“God.” I whispered. “I have to get you to help me with this soon, Steph.” Her tongue down there…
I roused myself from my lustful stupor. I should go do some sweeping and stop having wet dreams about getting her to…” Stop, stop, stop. “Fuck. I’m such an idiot.”
It was going to be a long three hours. I think I’d found the definition of delicious agony.
Klaus arrived home at a quarter to five. The crunch of gravel and the engine sound from the front of the house gave him away. He must have left work early—an unheard of occurrence. Guess he was worried. Though he did have reason to be. I’d texted him and said there’d been a small incident. His reply: Be at the door. I’ll get Chinese for dinner.
And so, I waited at the front door, kneeling, head down. He loved me doing this, waiting submissively, and though he hadn’t ordered it, I felt the need. Steph had wrecked my idea of who I was. At work I was perfectly capable of ordering people about. Was happy to, really. But here, at home, it didn’t fit so well. Besides, I’d been thinking about what had happened, and I’d been at fault too.
After the door closed, I greeted him and waited. From the plastic bag hanging from his hand came the aroma of Chinese take-out.
“Look at me,” he demanded.
I peeked up.
“It was more than a small incident, wasn’t it?” Klaus’s eyes narrowed. Uh-oh. Mr. Mind Reader had arrived. I missed the evil though amused tweak of the corner of his mouth that often accompanied that sort of loaded question. The man looked as if a rock wouldn’t dent his face.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Where is Stephanie?”
“She’s cuffed and secured in the room, Sir.” Saying Sir a lot seemed wise considering the thunderstorm brewing.
“Right. Let’s go. Downstairs.”
“Wouldn’t you like to eat first?” Unease unfolded, creeping darkly. This was so unlike him. Plus, I figured if he was hungry he might get an urge to bite way more off than I was comfortable with. Klaus had control in his bones, but sometimes he still nudged close to the danger zone.
“Now, Jodie.” Oh my. No “sweetheart” or “love” or “gorgeous”. I sighed, climbed to my feet and after putting the take-out in the fridge, I followed him down.
The excruciating look on Steph’s face reminded me of her last plea. Klaus hefted a chair inside then shut the door. He arranged it so it faced the mattress. When we’d arrived, Steph had struggled up onto her knees. The bodice of my blue dress made her bosom look about to spill any second. No wonder Klaus liked me wearing it. She looked warily out at us from under her dark mess of hair. Hard to control where your fringe goes when your hands are stuck behind you.
“May I speak, Sir,” I ventured.
“Can we let her go to the toilet? I wasn’t game to uncuff her before. Not after…” I cleared my throat.
His eyebrow nudged upward. “She can wait. Tell me what happened.”
He reversed the chair and sat, his forearms resting along the back. Though his dark suit and shirt were tidy, the lines of weariness on his face shocked me. This was worrying him as much as it had me. More than me, today. I’d had Stephanie to distract me and talk to and ogle. Guilt niggled at my conscience.
“Would you like a drink, Sir? A beer? Scotch? Surely you need food?”
“No. Was that all you wanted to say? I think it best I’m sober. I want you to kneel, Jodie, and tell me what happened today.” He took off his coat and folded it over the back of the chair.
Steph hadn’t said a single word. She must be dreading what was coming.
I kneeled, thought for a few seconds then launched into my account. I didn’t hold anything back. We were always honest with each other. I knew he might get angry, but I valued his decisions. He wouldn’t go too far, or not so far that it would horrify me. Part of us, our to and fro, was him pushing. I liked that. When I was done, he studied both me and Steph, then swung his leg off the chair like a man dismounting a horse and headed straight for her.
Before she could do more than stiffen in fright, he spoke. “I’m just freeing you so you can go to the toilet. Jodie will be coming upstairs with me. When we return, be on the mat, kneeling. I already have very good reasons to punish you. Don’t disappoint me. Clear?”
She nodded. I think both of us expected harshness, but he freed her, took her hands and drew her to her feet. The difference in their build and height even made me blink. Nothing set off my submissive genes more than seeing a man dwarfing a woman. They were both so lust-inducing I was ready to lick them both all over at the slightest prompt. If only I could get them in our bed, together.
Whatever Stephanie thought of this, he’d certainly stunned her. When I looked back into the room as Klaus locked her in, she was still standing there, staring after us.
“Living room.” He pointed upward.
Nervous, I went first. What did he think about Steph sticking a knife in me?
On reaching the living room, he sat on the couch and beckoned to me to stand between his legs. “Show me the wound.”
I lifted my t-shirt. “I cleaned it and used antiseptic. It scared her more than me. The bleeding stopped quickly.” I peeled back the square bandage. The point of the knife had only slid in under the skin on my side and left a small bruise. The tiny cut was dark red. Clean. I inspected it myself as he gently manipulated my skin. “See. It’s nothing.”
He pursed his lips, shook his head. “You’re sure it’s shallow?”
“Lucky. Damn lucky. She could have tripped and put it inches into you, then where would we be? Hmm?” He looked at me. “Should you have uncuffed her?”
Sadness hit unexpectedly. My mouth wobbled. “I’m sorry. I know you said to be careful and I wasn’t. It’s my fault, isn’t it?”
He put his hands to my waist, and on the uninjured side, he rubbed his thumb back and forth. “Partly, yes, sweetheart.” His thumb stopped moving. “I need to punish you. Okay? More than her. She’s stupid and at fault but if I do to her what I would like to… It wouldn’t be good.”
Ah. I blinked. I didn’t know what he intended, but if the alternative was him hurting Steph. That bothered me. “I can take it.”
“Good girl. You were wrong, yes, and I’m going to use you as an example for her. Be brave.”
“Sure.” I sucked in my lip. The familiar zing of excitement had me. Pain…I liked him doing what he wanted to. Even if it hurt me more than I wanted.
“First.” He held up two fingers and his mouth curved in a cautious smile. “Two things I see here. Good things. If you’re sure she didn’t mean to hurt you, that’s a step forward. Sounds like she was trying to help you after even.” I nodded. “And what happened in the shower…Jodie, I think you have some switch in you. I wish I’d been there to see that.”
I lowered my shirt then added shyly. “Yeah, I think I do. I got such a rush.”
�Whatever it is you did to make her like you, keep doing it.” With his hand over my shirt material, he smoothed the bandage, eyeing me in a calculating way. “Ready?”
I trembled a second then caught it. “Yes.”
“It’s the rattan cane. I’ll have a quick shower then we’ll do this. Remember, be brave.”
I wasn’t sure what he meant to do. He often strung me up by my wrists and beat me since he liked seeing me squirm.
This time…once we entered the room, he barely acknowledged Stephanie where she obediently knelt. He took me to the wall, made me strip all except for my bra, and used leather to strap me to the wall, flat and spread-eagled. I studied the gray paint before my nose—shade of mountain peak, I recalled. I could move my fingers and my head and my toes and not much else.
“I need you still, Jodie. If you move too far, I might injure you badly.”
Eep. Be still, or else, huh?
He started with taps of the cane to warm me up to the pain, which was more considerate than I expected. The way I was bound, my mound was pressed against the wall and, as the familiar buzz from the pain insinuated into my body, I couldn’t help grinding forward a few times. I half-expected him to tell me to stop but all he did was step to the other side of me and begin the pummeling of my lower ass in earnest, with a few landing lower on my thighs. The hurt rose, the effects fuzzed my head, but he still hadn’t gone to anything super intense. This was just my speed. I gasped and swore softly as three swift strokes surprised me.
“Four more. Hard ones.”
I curled my toes, but made sure to stay relaxed as those four seared my skin. I screamed on the fourth strike across my buttocks and at that, he stopped.
I turned my head in disbelief. Though his gaze was fierce, he stepped aside to lay the cane upon the chair. For some reason the colors impressed on me. White shirt, black pants, golden brown cane. From the way my skin shrieked at me, I’d have good bruises.
As he undid the straps across my back, he kissed the sweat on my neck. “Thank you. I went easy on you today, for her. Okay?”
I shuddered out my words. “Thank you, Sir.”
Again, his words were quiet. “Another day, I want to try the barbed wire flogger. Not today. It would freak her out.”
Oh fuck. He’d never used that. Though it wasn’t strictly speaking barbed wire—because Klaus had decided real barbed wire was impossible to clean in the twists of wire—it was a nasty steel flogger with tiny spikes.
God. I wanted to know what I could take. That would surely make me bleed. I wanted to drift into subspace to the sting, but, yes, another day, another time when Klaus was ready and so was I. Before he released all the straps, he checked my skin and massaged in ointment.
When I was free, he let me dress again in my white panties.
“Steph.” He crooked a finger.
Though she shuffled on her knees, she didn’t get up.
Uh-oh. There was terror in her eyes.
I was busy drawing my underwear gingerly onto my ass. If asses could talk, mine would’ve been screaming, don’t.
“Klaus, you need to tell her what you mean to do…that you aren’t doing to her what you did to me. Remember? Sir?”
Rationality slowly surfaced in his eyes. “Of course. Jodie is in charge of your punishment.”
I am?
He waited, looking at me speculatively as if wondering whether I’d sprout horns or wings.
Fuck. I didn’t know which either. The chair looked good.
I removed the cane from the chair and gave it to Klaus, feeling like I was handing him something that might bite me at any moment. He smiled and took it away.
The chair. I inhaled, shakily.
“Over here, Steph.” To my rising delight, once she scrambled to her feet, she almost jogged to the front of the chair.
Intimacy was needed. I stepped up to her, turned her with my hands on her hips, and gently pressed her back, so she bent over and had to grip the chair to keep from falling.
I looked to Klaus. “May I crop her, Sir?” I couldn’t help myself. Asking him was ingrained. Especially after what he’d just done.
“You can do what you like. She injured you, not me. I’m giving you this. Just make sure it hurts a bit or I might get overcome with an urge to turn her white bottom redder. Oh, one addition. After we’ve had dinner, you’re going to spank her until she comes.”
Stephanie gasped. “What?”
“No speaking unless you’re told to.” Though his voice was flat, her mouth clicked shut. “You’ve been bad, Steph. I’m letting Jodie punish you, don’t make me add my punishments. You’re allowed to speak to answer this next bit. From what you told Jodie, you’ve been through blood tests for the army’s admittance exams. Correct?”
“How long ago?”
“Two weeks? About?”
“And they tested for STDs?”
She paused for a few seconds, holding onto that chair as if it were a life jacket. The front of my summer dress heaved as she took some long, deep breaths.
“Were you clear? Negative?”
Oh yes, I knew why she was upset. Klaus had just told her he intended to have sex with her. I wanted to wave pom poms and cheer, but I only tried to open my eyes and ears wider…if that were possible. I didn’t want to miss a single morsel of this exchange.
“Uh. Yes,” she said, directing her reply to the seat of the chair. “I suppose. But—”
“Shush. Enough. Jodie?”
I grinned. If she’d been fast on the take and said no, that she had AIDs, herpes and crotch rot, she’d have gotten Klaus to back off. But now…
“Jodie? Daydreaming?”
Me? “Sorry, Sir.” From the hint of amusement in his eyes, he’d guessed the gist of what I’d been thinking. My man was an evil bastard, definitely. I chugged back into gear. This had to hurt? I wasn’t exactly practiced in any of this, but I did have a mean wrist flick when playing squash. The crop was the right length for a racquet.
I went to the unlocked toy box and removed the crop, came back to her swishing the crop through the air to get a feel for the balance.
“If she doesn’t squeal at least once expect me to take over.” He grinned. “Then we will go have Chinese.”
Right. I twisted up my mouth and raised an eyebrow in query but his grin only widened. Okay. He was serious but happy. Okay. I eyed my victim’s bottom. Squealing required?
With my palm on the small of her back, I murmured to Stephanie, “Incoming. I’m giving you ten strokes of the crop.”
I lifted up the dress to expose her scrumptious ass then rolled the fabric higher to the small of her back. I bit my lip, pausing as I looked at that enticing area between her legs.
Somehow I got through those ten strokes and even, on the last two, made her hop from one foot to the other and squeal.
“Finished,” I declared.
“Oww.” She scowled back at me but it was all I could do not to chuckle. Petulant little thing. I didn’t care that she’d accidentally cut me. The darkening red rectangles and stripes on her bottom…the way she’d plain leaned over and waited for this. I was sold on domming her. Who needed crack? And such promise for the future. So much more I…we, could do to her.
As we went up the stairs, with Steph second and myself trailing last, I was still humming with residual amazement at my new power. I eyed the sway of her ass under the blue fabric. Mine. And Klaus’s soon too, no doubt.
Chapter 11
The microwave hummed in the kitchen across the hallway. With Stephanie sitting quietly next to me on the padded footstool while Jodie heated the take-out, I had plenty of time to think and to study her.
Right or wrong, there comes a time when you have to stop second-guessing and wondering if what you do is moral. Self-preservation was a strong instinct in me.
I’d worry when or if some new aspect called to me. We had the facts. The cops wer
e investigating. People had died. We, Jodie and I, had crossed into this murky zone of what-the-fuck-am-I-doing.
I’d have to tell Jodie about the bodies being found later on. We watched little TV and she’d not turned on the computers all day, so she couldn’t know unless she’d taken a call from someone who mentioned it.
But…the deaths, the party, were old news. After I was beaten up as teenager by a gang, I’d applied myself to getting good at judo, and months later, I’d tracked down two of the ring-leaders who’d still been bullying me. I wasn’t over-confident, I’d made sure each was alone first, then I’d beaten the shit out of them. Perhaps I’d gone too far? But I hadn’t worried about it since then. Done is done. My actions had produced the effect I’d wanted. They left me alone after that.
From now on…I shifted on my chair and observed Stephanie some more…I’d only concern myself with her and us. Because she was the weak point in this.
She wasn’t talking to me, but I figured she was scared of me. I had to lessen that somehow, without making myself seem made of sugar and sunshine. Though, considering I’d just caned Jodie and made her scream, I doubted she’d ever see me as quite that kindly.
I smiled. Which was good. As a sadist, I had an image to uphold.
Besides, Jodie had done something incredible today. Something I hadn’t expected and it seemed as if Stephanie had been, to some degree, her willing victim.
Jodie came in with the last of the plates, set them down and waited. I eyed Stephanie, and her. I planned to play this mealtime like a game of cards or chess. Whatever hints I was given, I’d use those to decide the next step. My balls tightened. This was more exciting than anything I’d done for months. Even BDSM had become slightly…less exhilarating.
When one door closes, another opens…how apt that might be.
Move one.
I kept my voice at a monotone despite how intense the mood had become. “Stand up and take off your clothes, Stephanie, then give them to me.”
I zeroed in on that tiny clench of her throat when the rest of her had frozen. This new opening door had great possibilities.